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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2A, I, M, T and Y

ADMIRALTYadmiralty n. (Military) The office or jurisdiction of an admiral.
admiralty n. (Military) The department or officers having authority over naval affairs generally.
admiralty n. (Law) The court which has jurisdiction of maritime questions and offenses.
AMATIVELYamatively adv. In an amative manner.
AMATIVE adv. strongly moved by love esp. sexual love.
AMORALITYamorality n. Lack or absence of morality.
amorality n. The metaethical belief that nothing is morally right or morally wrong, that morality does not exist.
AMORALITY n. the absence of morality.
AMYOTONIAamyotonia n. Lack of normal muscular tension or tonus, especially when congenital.
AMYOTONIA n. deficiency of muscle tone.
ANIMALITYanimality n. The nature of an animal.
animality n. The animal kingdom.
animality n. Any characteristic of animality. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
ANIMATELYanimately adv. In an animate manner.
ANIMATE adv. living, having animal life.
ARHYTHMIAarhythmia n. Alternative spelling of arrhythmia.
ARHYTHMIA n. absence or irregularity of rhythm, esp. of the pulse, also ARRHYTHMIA, ARYTHMIA.
ARYTHMIASarythmias n. Plural of arythmia.
ARYTHMIA n. absence or irregularity of rhythm e.g. of the heart, also ARHYTHMIA, ARRHYTHMIA.
CAMSTAIRYcamstairy adj. (Archaic, Scotland) unruly; unmanageable.
CAMSTAIRY adj. (Scots) perverse, unruly, also CAMSTEARY, CAMSTEERIE.
MAINSTAYSmainstays n. Plural of mainstay.
MAINSTAY n. the principal support.
MAMMALITYmammality n. The state or quality of being mammalian, of being a mammal.
MAMMALITY n. the state of being a mammal.
MARITALLYmaritally adv. Concerning marriage or a connubial relationship.
maritally adv. (Obsolete) Pertaining to a husband.
MARITAL adv. relating to marriage.
MARTIALLYmartially adv. In a martial manner.
MARTIAL adv. pertaining to war.
TYPOMANIAtypomania n. Enthusiasm for typography.
typomania n. Obsession with being published or writing for publication.
TYPOMANIA n. the overwhelming urge to see one's name in print.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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