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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, H, N, T and U

ACANTHOUSacanthous adj. (Botany) Synonym of spinous.
ACANTHOUS adj. spiny, prickly.
AGNATHOUSagnathous adj. Jawless.
agnathous adj. (Pathology) Afflicted by or characteristic of agnathia.
AGNATHOUS adj. lacking jaws, esp. of hagfish and lampreys.
AILANTHUSailanthus n. Any of several deciduous Asiatic trees of the genus Ailanthus, including the tree of heaven.
Ailanthus prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Simaroubaceae – A small group of trees native to Asia, some now…
AILANTHUS n. (Amboina) an oriental tree, the tree of heaven, also AILANTO.
AMIANTHUSamianthus n. A type of asbestos with long, soft, thin fibers.
AMIANTHUS n. (Greek) asbestos with silky fibres, also AMIANTUS.
ANANTHOUSananthous adj. (Botany) Destitute of flowers; flowerless.
ANANTHOUS adj. having no flowers.
ANTIHUMANantihuman adj. Opposed to humanity.
antihuman adj. (Immunology, not comparable) Describing an antibody that reacts with any antigen found in (and with…
antihuman n. A being that opposes, or typifies the opposite of, the human race.
ATHENAEUMathenaeum n. Alternative form of Athenaeum: a temple primarily dedicated to Athena or her Roman equivalent Minerva.
athenaeum n. An association for the advancement of learning, particularly in science or literature.
athenaeum n. The reading room or library of such an association; (by extension) any reading room or library.
AUTOBAHNSautobahns n. Plural of autobahn.
AUTOBAHN n. (German) a motorway.
CANTHARUScantharus n. A large drinking cup with two handles.
cantharus n. A fountain or basin in the courtyard of an ancient church for worshippers to wash before entering.
CANTHARUS n. (Latin) a large two-handled cup.
EUTHANASEeuthanase v. (UK) Alternative form of euthanize.
EUTHANASE v. to subject to euthanasia, also EUTHANAZE.
EUTHANASYeuthanasy n. Archaic form of euthanasia.
EUTHANASY n. the practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition, also EUTHANASIA.
EUTHANAZEeuthanaze v. Alternative spelling of euthanase.
EUTHANAZE v. to subject to euthanasia, also EUTHANASE.
HUNTAWAYShuntaways n. Plural of huntaway.
Huntaways n. Plural of Huntaway.
HUNTAWAY n. a dog trained to drive sheep at some distance from the shepherd.
LANTHANUMlanthanum n. (Uncountable) A chemical element (symbol La) with an atomic number of 57: a soft, ductile, silvery-white…
lanthanum n. (Countable) An atom of this element.
LANTHANUM n. a rare element of the group of the earth metals, allied to aluminium.
THAUMATINthaumatin n. A virtually calorie-free protein sweetener and flavour modifier.
THAUMATIN n. a sweetener extracted from a West Indian fruit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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