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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2A, H, 2L and N

ALLOPHANEallophane n. (Mineralogy) An amorphous hydrous aluminium silicate clay mineral.
ALLOPHANE n. a translucent, coloured aluminum silicate.
CHAINFALLchainfall n. A chain laid across a beam or similar, used as part of a hoist for lifting objects.
CHAINFALL n. a type of hoist.
CHALKLANDchalkland n. Land in which the underlying geology is chalk.
CHALKLAND n. land composed of chalk.
DANCEHALLdancehall n. (Countable) A public hall for dancing.
dancehall n. (Uncountable, music) A genre of Jamaican dance music derived from dub and reggae.
dance-hall n. Alternative spelling of dancehall.
HALALLINGhalalling v. Present participle of halal.
HALAL v. (Arabic) to slaughter according to Muslim law, also HALLAL.
HALLOAINGhalloaing v. Present participle of halloa.
HALLSTANDhallstand n. A piece of furniture, near to an outside door, on which hats and coats are hung, and umbrellas are stored.
HALLSTAND n. a stand in a hall for umbrellas etc.
HANDBALLShandballs n. Plural of handball.
hand␣balls n. Plural of hand ball.
HANDBALL v. to handle the ball in football.
INHALABLEinhalable adj. That can be inhaled.
INHALABLE adj. that can be inhaled.
INSHALLAHinshallah interj. (Chiefly Islam) Expressing the speaker’s wish for a given future event to occur and/or their emphasis…
inshallah interj. (Colloquial, sarcastic) Expressing a skeptical affirmative, to indicate the unlikeliness of events…
INSHALLAH interj. (Arabic) an interjection among Muslims, if Allah wills.
MELPHALANmelphalan n. A particular drug used in chemotherapy.
MELPHALAN n. an antineoplastic drug.
PHALANGALphalangal adj. Alternative form of phalangeal.
PHALANGAL adj. of or pertaining to the phalanges, the bones of a digit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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