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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2A, H, I, L and O

AUTHORIALauthorial adj. Of, coming from, or typical of an author (especially of books).
AUTHORIAL adj. relating to an author.
CHALAZIONchalazion n. (Ophthalmology, optometry) A cyst in the eyelid, caused by inflammation of a blocked meibomian gland.
CHALAZION n. (Greek) a swollen, inflamed sebaceous gland in the eyelid.
CHIPOLATAchipolata n. A type of sausage from Europe, typically of seasoned coarsely ground pork.
CHIPOLATA n. a small, often spicy sausage.
CHOLAEMIAcholaemia n. (Medicine) A condition caused by the presence of excess bile in the blood, sometimes leading to somnolence and coma.
CHOLAEMIA n. an accumulation of bile pigments in the blood, also CHOLEMIA.
ECHOLALIAecholalia n. (Clinical psychology) The immediate, involuntary, and repetitive echoing of words or phrases spoken by another.
echolalia n. An infant’s repetitive imitation of vocal sounds spoken by another person, occurring naturally during…
echolalia n. Any apparently meaningless, repetitious noises, especially voices.
HALATIONShalations n. Plural of halation.
HALATION n. a blurring of light in photographs.
HALLOAINGhalloaing v. Present participle of halloa.
HAPLOPIASHAPLOPIA n. normal vision.
HARIOLATEhariolate v. (Formal, rare) To predict; to prophesy.
HARIOLATE v. to prophesy, soothsay.
INHALATORinhalator n. Inhaler.
INHALATOR n. an apparatus for enabling one to inhale a gas, vapour etc.
MAILCOACHmailcoach n. (Historical) A horse-drawn coach used to deliver mail.
MAILCOACH n. a railway coach specially constructed for the transport of mail, also MAILCAR.
MALATHIONmalathion n. An organophosphorus insecticide, Diethyl [(dimethoxyphosphinothioyl)-thio]butanedioate.
MALATHION n. (tradename) an insecticide.
PAROCHIALparochial adj. Pertaining to a parish.
parochial adj. Characterized by an unsophisticated focus on local concerns to the exclusion of wider contexts; elementary…
parochial n. A parochial individual.
PHACOIDALphacoidal adj. Having the form of the lens of the eye; lenticular.
PHACOIDAL adj. lens-shaped, lentil-shaped, also PHACOID.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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