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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, H, I, L and M

AZIMUTHALazimuthal adj. Of or pertaining to the azimuth; in a horizontal circle.
azimuthal adj. (Cartography) Describing a map projection which preserves direction for all points relative to a selected…
azimuthal n. (Cartography) An azimuthal projection.
CAMELHAIRcamelhair n. The soft hair of a camel.
camelhair n. A substitute for this hair.
camelhair n. A soft fabric made from this hair.
CHAMISALSCHAMISAL n. (Spanish) a thicket of chamisos.
CHLAMYDIAchlamydia n. (Uncountable) Any of several common, often asymptomatic, sexually transmitted diseases caused by the…
chlamydia n. (Countable) Any of various coccoid microorganisms of the genus Chlamydia that are pathogenic to humans…
Chlamydia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Chlamydiaceae – very small parasitic bacterium which, like a virus…
CHOLAEMIAcholaemia n. (Medicine) A condition caused by the presence of excess bile in the blood, sometimes leading to somnolence and coma.
CHOLAEMIA n. an accumulation of bile pigments in the blood, also CHOLEMIA.
HAMAMELIShamamelis n. (Botany) Any of the flowering plant genus Hamamelis, the witch hazels.
Hamamelis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Hamamelidaceae – witch hazel and related plants.
HAMAMELIS n. a winter-flowering shrub.
HARMALINEharmaline n. The reduced hydrated form of harmine.
HARMALINE n. an alkaloid derived from harmala seeds, also HARMALIN, HARMIN, HARMINE.
HARMALINSHARMALIN n. an alkaloid derived from harmala seeds, also HARMALINE, HARMIN, HARMINE.
HEMIALGIAhemialgia n. A state of pain affecting only one side of the body.
HEMIALGIA n. pain in one side of the body alone.
HIELAMANShielamans n. Plural of hielaman.
HIELAMAN n. (Native Australian) an Australian Aboriginal narrow shield of bark and wood.
MAILCOACHmailcoach n. (Historical) A horse-drawn coach used to deliver mail.
MAILCOACH n. a railway coach specially constructed for the transport of mail, also MAILCAR.
MALACHITEmalachite n. (Mineralogy) A bright green mineral, a basic copper carbonate, Cu2CO3(OH)2; one of the principal ores…
malachite n. A mild green colour, like that of the mineral.
malachite adj. Of a colour ranging from olive-taupe to a mild to deeply-rich (at times seemingly translucent) green…
MALATHIONmalathion n. An organophosphorus insecticide, Diethyl [(dimethoxyphosphinothioyl)-thio]butanedioate.
MALATHION n. (tradename) an insecticide.
MALPIGHIAmalpighia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Malpighia of tropical American shrubs.
Malpighia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Malpighiaceae.
MALPIGHIA n. the Barbados cherry genus of tropical American trees, shrubs, and lianes.
MARISCHALmarischal n. (Scotland) marshal.
MARISCHAL n. (Scots) a marshal, also MARESCHAL.
MARISCHAL v. to marshal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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