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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, G, O, R and U

ACCOURAGEaccourage v. (Obsolete) To encourage.
ACCOURAGE v. (Spenser) to encourage, also ACCORAGE, ENCOURAGE.
ANGOSTURAangostura n. Angostura bitters.
angostura n. A South American tree, with bark used in tradition medicine and as an ingredient in various bitters…
Angostura prop.n. (Historical) The former name of Ciudad Bolivar, a town on the Orinoco.
ARGONAUTSargonauts n. Plural of argonaut.
ARGONAUT n. (Greek) a sort of cuttlefish, aka paper nautilus.
AUDIOGRAMaudiogram n. A graphical representation of the hearing ability of a person.
AUDIOGRAM n. a graphic representation of the relation of vibration frequency and the minimum sound intensity for hearing.
AUTOGRAFTautograft n. (Surgery) A tissue graft taken from one part to another of the same individual’s body.
autograft v. (Transitive) To graft in this manner.
AUTOGRAFT n. a graft from one part of the body to another.
AUTOGRAPHautograph n. A person’s own handwriting, especially the signature of a famous or admired person.
autograph n. A manuscript in the author’s handwriting.
autograph adj. Written in the author’s own handwriting.
BARAGOUINbaragouin n. (Countable) A pidgin.
baragouin n. (Uncountable) Unintelligible speech; gibberish, jargon.
BARAGOUIN n. (French) any jargon or unintelligible language.
GRADUATORgraduator n. One who determines or indicates graduation.
graduator n. An instrument for dividing any line, straight or curved, into smaller regular intervals.
graduator n. An apparatus for diffusing a solution, such as brine or vinegar, over a large surface, for exposure to the air.
GRANULOMAgranuloma n. (Pathology) an inflammatory nodule consisting of histiocytes (macrophages) attempting to wall off substances…
granuloma n. (Medicine, less specific) any small nodule.
GRANULOMA n. a localized collection of granulation tissue.
GUACHAROSguacharos n. Plural of guacharo.
GUACHARO n. (Spanish) a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka oilbird.
GUARANTORguarantor n. A person or company that provides a guarantee.
GUARANTOR n. one who makes or gives a guarantee.
MATAGOURImatagouri n. A thorny shrub endemic to New Zealand, taxonomic name Discaria toumatou.
MATAGOURI n. (Maori) a thorny bush of New Zealand, forming thickets in open country.
ORANGUTANorangutan n. Any of three species of arboreal anthropoid ape, characterised by their shaggy reddish-brown coat and…
orang-utan n. Alternative spelling of orangutan.
orang␣utan n. Alternative spelling of orangutan.
PARAGOGUEPARAGOGUE n. the addition of a sound to the end of a word e.g. heighth for height, also PARAGOGE.
PARALOGUEparalogue n. (Genetics) A pair of genes that derives from the same ancestral gene and now reside at different locations…
PARALOGUE n. either of a pair of genes that derive from the same ancestral gene.
PROPAGULApropagula n. Plural of propagulum.
PROPAGULUM n. a body with the capacity to give rise to a new plant e.g. seed, spore, bulbil, fragment etc., also PROPAGULE.
SUGARCOATsugarcoat v. (Transitive) To coat with sugar.
sugarcoat v. (Transitive, figurative) To make superficially more attractive; to give a falsely pleasant appearance to.
sugar-coat v. Alternative spelling of sugarcoat.
SUGARLOAFsugarloaf n. Alternative spelling of sugar-loaf.
sugar-loaf n. (Historical) A block of refined sugar, usually in the form of a truncated cone, in which form it was…
sugar-loaf n. (Obsolete) A hat shaped like a sugar-loaf.
UROLAGNIAurolagnia n. Synonym of urophilia.
UROLAGNIA n. sexual arousal caused by, or associated with, urine or the urination.
VAGARIOUSvagarious adj. Subject to vagaries; erratic.
vagarious adj. Tending to wander or roam.
vagarious adj. Capricious.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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