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There are 14 nine-letter words containing 2A, G, N, O and U

AGNATHOUSagnathous adj. Jawless.
agnathous adj. (Pathology) Afflicted by or characteristic of agnathia.
AGNATHOUS adj. lacking jaws, esp. of hagfish and lampreys.
ANALOGOUSanalogous adj. Having analogy; corresponding to something else; bearing some resemblance or proportion (Often followed by "to".).
analogous adj. (Biology) Functionally similar, but arising through convergent evolution rather than being homologous.
ANALOGOUS adj. bearing some correspondence or resemblance.
ANALOGUESanalogues n. Plural of analogue.
ANALOGUE n. something that bears a resemblance to something else, also ANALOG.
ANGOSTURAangostura n. Angostura bitters.
angostura n. A South American tree, with bark used in tradition medicine and as an ingredient in various bitters…
Angostura prop.n. (Historical) The former name of Ciudad Bolivar, a town on the Orinoco.
ARGONAUTSargonauts n. Plural of argonaut.
ARGONAUT n. (Greek) a sort of cuttlefish, aka paper nautilus.
BARAGOUINbaragouin n. (Countable) A pidgin.
baragouin n. (Uncountable) Unintelligible speech; gibberish, jargon.
BARAGOUIN n. (French) any jargon or unintelligible language.
COAGULANTcoagulant adj. That causes coagulation or that coagulates.
coagulant n. A substance that causes coagulation.
COAGULANT n. that which produces coagulation.
COWABUNGAcowabunga interj. (Slang, originally US, usually humorous) Expressing amazement, enthusiasm, or joy.
COWABUNGA interj. an interjection used to express delight or satisfaction.
GRANULOMAgranuloma n. (Pathology) an inflammatory nodule consisting of histiocytes (macrophages) attempting to wall off substances…
granuloma n. (Medicine, less specific) any small nodule.
GRANULOMA n. a localized collection of granulation tissue.
GUANAZOLOguanazolo n. (Organic chemistry) 8-azaguanine.
GUANAZOLO n. a synthetic substance resembling guanine, used in the treatment of cancer.
GUARANTORguarantor n. A person or company that provides a guarantee.
GUARANTOR n. one who makes or gives a guarantee.
MANGANOUSmanganous adj. (Chemistry) Containing manganese in its +2 oxidation state.
MANGANOUS adj. of manganese of lower valency.
ORANGUTANorangutan n. Any of three species of arboreal anthropoid ape, characterised by their shaggy reddish-brown coat and…
orang-utan n. Alternative spelling of orangutan.
orang␣utan n. Alternative spelling of orangutan.
UROLAGNIAurolagnia n. Synonym of urophilia.
UROLAGNIA n. sexual arousal caused by, or associated with, urine or the urination.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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