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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, G, L, M and O

AGNOMINALagnominal adj. Of or pertaining to an agnomen.
AGNOMINAL adj. relating to an agnomen, an additional name.
ALALAGMOIalalagmoi n. Plural of alalagmos.
ALALAGMOS n. (Greek) a war-cry of 'alalai'.
ALALAGMOSalalagmos n. (Historical) A war cry of Ancient Greece.
ALALAGMOS n. (Greek) a war-cry of 'alalai'.
ANALOGISManalogism n. (Logic) An argument from cause to effect; an a priori argument.
analogism n. The investigation of things by the analogy they bear to each other.
ANALOGISM n. the act of analogizing.
CLADOGRAMcladogram n. (Taxonomy) A branching treelike graphical representation of the phylogenetic relationships between organisms…
cladogram n. (Phylogenetics) A phylogenetic tree that is strictly the outcome of a cladistic analysis.
CLADOGRAM n. a branching diagram showing the development of a clade.
GLAUCOMASglaucomas n. Plural of glaucoma.
GLAUCOMA n. a disease of the eye, marked by increased pressure within the eyeball and growing dimness of vision.
GRANULOMAgranuloma n. (Pathology) an inflammatory nodule consisting of histiocytes (macrophages) attempting to wall off substances…
granuloma n. (Medicine, less specific) any small nodule.
GRANULOMA n. a localized collection of granulation tissue.
GREMOLATAgremolata n. A paste of capers, parsley, lemon zest, olives and olive oil served as an accompaniment to meat or fish.
GREMOLATA n. (Italian) a colourful, flavorsome garnish, as of chopped parsley, lemon or orange peel etc.
GUACAMOLEguacamole n. An avocado-based greenish dip with onions, tomato, and spices, common to Mexican cuisine and often served…
GUACAMOLE n. (Nahuatl) a kind of dip, also GUACHAMOLE.
MACROGLIAmacroglia n. Any of various glial cells that are larger than microglia.
MACROGLIA n. one of the two types of non-nervous tissue found in the central nervous system.
MAGALOGUEmagalogue n. A type of catalogue with a magazine-like style.
MAGALOGUE n. a large mail-order catalog in the form of a magazine, also MAGALOG.
MAGNOLIASmagnolias n. Plural of magnolia.
MAGNOLIA n. any tree or shrub of the magnoliaceous genus Magnolia of Asia and North America.
MAMMALOGYmammalogy n. The study of mammals.
MAMMALOGY n. the study of mammals.
MEGAFLORAmegaflora n. (Botany) Any exceptionally large plant.
MEGAFLORA n. large plants.
OLIGAEMIAoligaemia n. (Medicine) The condition of having a low quantity of blood.
oligæmia n. Obsolete form of oligaemia.
OLIGAEMIA n. abnormal deficiency of blood, also OLIGEMIA.
PLANOGRAMplanogram n. A predetermined computer-generated plan for displaying merchandise on the shelves of a supermarket;…
planogram v. To arrange goods in a supermarket according to a planogram.
PLANOGRAM n. a schematic drawing or plan for displaying merchandise in a store so as to maximize sales.
SCALOGRAMscalogram n. (Signal processing) A visual representation of a wavelet transform, having axes for time, scale, and…
SCALOGRAM n. an arrangement of items, as problems in a test or features of speech, such that the presence or accomplishment at one level implies the presence or ability to accomplish all lower levels.
SIALOGRAMsialogram n. The diagnostic image produced by sialography.
SIALOGRAM n. an X-ray of the salivary tract.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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