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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, G, I, K and N

ARTMAKINGartmaking n. The production of art.
ARTMAKING n. the process of making art.
ASKANCINGaskancing v. Present participle of askance.
ASKANCE v. (Shakespeare) to turn aside, also ASKANT.
ASKANTINGaskanting v. Present participle of askant.
ASKANT v. (Shakespeare) to turn aside, also ASKANCE.
ATTACKINGattacking adj. Carrying out an attack.
attacking v. Present participle of attack.
ATTACK v. to set upon violently.
ATTASKINGattasking v. Present participle of attask.
ATTASK v. to take to task.
AWAKENINGawakening adj. Rousing from sleep, in a natural or a figurative sense; rousing into activity; exciting.
awakening n. The act of awaking, or ceasing to sleep.
awakening n. (Religion) A revival of religion, or more general attention to religious matters than usual.
DAMASKINGdamasking v. Present participle of damask.
DAMASK v. to weave with elaborate design.
HAYMAKINGhaymaking n. The cutting of grass and subsequently curing it to make hay as fodder for animals.
haymaking n. Taking full advantage of an opportunity while it lasts.
HAYMAKING n. the harvesting of hay.
KABABBINGKABAB v. to cook on a skewer, also CABOB, KABOB, KEBAB, KEBOB.
KAOLIANGSkaoliangs n. Plural of kaoliang.
KAOLIANG n. (Chinese) sorghum grain of several varieties; an alcoholic drink made from it.
KAYAKINGSKAYAKING n. the act of paddling a kayak.
LAWMAKINGlawmaking n. The process of passing or enacting laws; legislation.
LAWMAKING n. the process of making law.
MAPMAKINGmapmaking n. Cartography, the making of maps and charts.
MAPMAKING n. the process of making maps.
PACKAGINGpackaging v. Present participle of package.
packaging n. The act of packing something.
packaging n. The materials used to pack something.
PANCAKINGpancaking v. Present participle of pancake.
PANCAKE v. to land an aircraft without wheels.
PARBAKINGparbaking v. Present participle of parbake.
PARBAKE v. to bake partially.
PARTAKINGpartaking v. Present participle of partake.
partaking n. The act of taking part in something.
partaking n. (Archaic) An act of taking sides; partiality.
REAWAKINGreawaking v. Present participle of reawake.
REAWAKE v. to awake again.
SACKAGINGSACKAGE v. to sack or plunder.
TIKINAGANtikinagan n. An Algonquin cradleboard.
TIKINAGAN n. (Native American) a thin board to which an infant is strapped so that it can be transported on its mother's back.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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