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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, F, M, R and T

AFFIRMANTaffirmant n. One who affirms or asserts.
affirmant n. (Law) One who affirms of taking an oath.
AFFIRMANT n. one who affirms or asserts.
AFTERDAMPafterdamp n. (Mining) Suffocating gases present in a coal mine after an explosion caused by firedamp, consisting…
AFTERDAMP n. poisonous gas formed after the explosion of firedamp in a mine.
AFTERGAMEaftergame n. (Archaic) A second game played to reverse the outcome of the first; the means employed after the first…
aftergame n. (Video games) Bonus features, dialogue, etc. accessed when a previously-beaten video game is revisited.
after-game n. Alternative spelling of aftergame.
AFTERMASTaftermast n. (Nautical) A mast located towards the stern of a ship.
AFTERMAST n. the mast nearest the stern.
AFTERMATHaftermath n. (Obsolete, agriculture) A second mowing; the grass which grows after the first crop of hay in the same season.
aftermath n. That which happens after, that which follows, usually of strongly negative connotation in most contexts…
AFTERMATH n. a second mowing of grass in the same season.
CAMPCRAFTcampcraft n. Any of the outdoor skills associated with camping expeditions, such as map-reading.
CAMPCRAFT n. knowledge of how to camp.
CRAFTSMANcraftsman n. One who is highly skilled at one’s trade; an artisan or artificer.
craftsman n. A person who makes or creates material objects partly or entirely by hand.
craftsman n. A person who produces arts and crafts.
DRAFTSMANdraftsman n. US standard spelling of draughtsman.
draftsman n. A person who drafts legal documents.
DRAFTSMAN n. a person whose profession is to make drawings, plans, or sketches, also DRAUGHTSMAN.
FARCEMEATfarcemeat n. Alternative form of forcemeat.
FARCEMEAT n. meat chopped fine and highly seasoned, either served up alone, or used as a stuffing, also FORCEMEAT.
FARMSTEADfarmstead n. The main building of a farm.
farmstead n. A farm, including its buildings.
FARMSTEAD n. a farmhouse with buildings belonging to it.
FIBROMATAfibromata n. Plural of fibroma.
FIBROMA n. a benign tumor, also FIBROID.
FUMARATESfumarates n. Plural of fumarate.
FUMARATE n. a salt of fumaric acid.
FUMATORIAfumatoria n. Plural of fumatorium.
FUMATORIUM n. (Latin) a place for smoking or fumigation, also FUMATORY.
HAMFATTERhamfatter n. (US slang, acting) A low-grade actor; a ham.
HAMFATTER n. a third-rate minstrel or variety actor.
HAMFATTER v. to perform as a third-rate minstrel.
MARROWFATmarrowfat n. A large variety of pea that is often processed and sold in tins/cans.
MARROWFAT n. a rich but late variety of pea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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