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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2A, F, L, N and S

ALFAQUINSalfaquins n. Plural of alfaquin.
ALFAQUIN n. (Arabic) a teacher of Muslim law, also ALFAKI, ALFAQUI.
FAHLBANDSfahlbands n. Plural of fahlband.
FAHLBAND n. (German) in crystalline rocks, a stratum rich in metals.
FALANGISMFalangism n. The fascist political ideology of the Spanish Falange.
FALANGISM n. membership of the Spanish Fascist party.
FALANGISTFalangist n. A member of the Falange.
Falangist adj. Of or pertaining to the Falange.
FALANGIST n. a member of the Spanish Fascist party.
FANTASMALfantasmal adj. Alternative spelling of phantasmal.
FANTASMAL adj. like a fantasm, also FANTASMIC.
FARMLANDSfarmlands n. Plural of farmland.
farm␣lands n. Plural of farm land.
FARMLAND n. cultivated land.
FATALNESSfatalness n. The quality of being fatal; deadliness.
FATALNESS n. the quality of being fatal.
FLANCARDSflancards n. Plural of flancard.
FLANCARD n. a piece of armor for the side of a horse.
FLASHBANGflashbang n. Alternative form of flash-bang.
flash-bang n. A hand grenade that produces a very bright flash and a loud explosion, but no shrapnel and minimal explosive…
flash␣bang n. Alternative form of flash-bang.
FLATLANDSflatlands n. Plural of flatland.
flatlands n. A terrain that varies little in elevation.
FLATLAND n. land lacking variation in elevation.
FLAVANOLSflavanols n. Plural of flavanol.
FLAVANOL n. a derivative of flavone, also FLAVONOL.
FLEABANESfleabanes n. Plural of fleabane.
FLEABANE n. a flowering plant supposed to repel fleas.
FLOATANTSfloatants n. Plural of floatant.
FLOATANT n. something which makes things float.
FRANGLAISfranglais prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of Franglais.
Franglais prop.n. (Often derogatory) French terms or expressions recently borrowed from the English language.
Franglais prop.n. (Often derogatory) The poor French spoken by anglophones.
GOLFIANASGOLFIANA n. golfing items.
LANDFALLSlandfalls n. Plural of landfall.
LANDFALL n. an approach to land.
LANGLAUFSlanglaufs n. Plural of langlauf.
langlaufs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of langlauf.
LANGLAUF n. (German) a cross-country ski run.
RAINFALLSrainfalls n. Plural of rainfall.
RAINFALL n. a fall of rain.
SAFRONALSSAFRONAL n. a spicy-tasting chemical constituent of saffron.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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