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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, F, I, L and R

ALFILARIAalfilaria n. Common storksbill (Erodium cicutarium), a flowering plant of the family Geraniaceae.
ALFILARIA n. (Spanish) a Californian weed, aka pin grass, also ALFILERIA.
ALFILERIAalfileria n. Alternative form of alfilaria.
ALFILERIA n. (Spanish) a Californian weed, aka pin grass, also ALFILARIA.
FACTORIALfactorial n. (Mathematics, combinatorics) The result of multiplying a given number of consecutive integers from 1…
factorial adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to a factor or factorial.
factorial adj. Of or pertaining to a factor, a kind of business agent.
FAIRLEADSfairleads n. Plural of fairlead.
FAIRLEAD n. a ring through which a rope is led to change its direction without friction, also FAIRLEADER.
FAIRYLANDfairyland n. The imaginary land or abode of fairies.
fairyland n. Any place of great natural beauty, or having a magical atmosphere.
fairyland adj. Having qualities ascribed to fairies and their realm; fanciful, delicate, surreal, or diminutive.
FAIRYTALEfairytale adj. Alternative spelling of fairy-tale.
fairytale n. Alternative spelling of fairy tale.
fairy-tale adj. Of the nature of a fairy tale; as if from a fairy tale.
FAMILIARSfamiliars n. Plural of familiar.
FAMILIAR n. a close friend or associate.
FORAMINALforaminal adj. Relating to the foramen.
FORAMINAL adj. relating to the foramen, a small opening, perforation, or orifice.
FRANGLAISfranglais prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of Franglais.
Franglais prop.n. (Often derogatory) French terms or expressions recently borrowed from the English language.
Franglais prop.n. (Often derogatory) The poor French spoken by anglophones.
PARAFOILSparafoils n. Plural of parafoil.
PARAFOIL n. a type of steerable parachute.
PREFACIALprefacial adj. (Anatomy) anterior to the face.
PREFACIAL adj. relating to a preface.
RAFFLESIArafflesia n. (Botany) Any of several large parasitic plants, of the genus Rafflesia, from South East Asia, that have…
Rafflesia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rafflesiaceae – the rafflesias, of southeast Asia.
RAFFLESIA n. any of various stemless leafless parasitic plants, native to Java and Sumatra.
RAINFALLSrainfalls n. Plural of rainfall.
RAINFALL n. a fall of rain.
RAUWOLFIArauwolfia n. Any of several small trees and shrubs, of the genus Rauwolfia, that yield materials of medical use.
rauwolfia n. Any of a group of alkaloids extracted from these trees.
RAUWOLFIA n. a tropical tree or shrub used as source of various drugs, esp. the sedative reserpine.
TAFFRAILStaffrails n. Plural of taffrail.
TAFFRAIL n. (Dutch) a rail around the stern of a ship, also TAFFAREL, TAFFEREL.
TRIFACIALtrifacial adj. Trigeminal.
trifacial n. (Neuroanatomy) trigeminal nerve.
TRIFACIAL adj. threefold and relating to the face.
VARIFOCALvarifocal adj. Having a variable focal length, with focus that changes in synchronization.
VARIFOCAL n. of spectacles, having differing focal lengths.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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