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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, P, R and U

AEROPAUSEaeropause n. The region of the atmosphere above which it is not possible for aircraft to fly.
AEROPAUSE n. the region of the earth's atmosphere above which aircraft cannot fly.
APERTURALapertural adj. Relating to an aperture.
APERTURAL adj. related to an aperture.
APPLAUDERapplauder n. One who applauds.
APPLAUDER n. one who applauds.
EUPHRASIAeuphrasia n. Any of many flowering plants of the genus Euphrasia.
EUPHRASIA n. eyebright, a plant once used to treat disorders of the eyes, also EUPHRASY.
GASPEREAUgaspereau n. (Canada, dated) An alewife (type of fish).
GASPEREAU n. (French) a fish of the herring family found on the Atlantic coast of North America, aka alewife.
PANDURATEpandurate adj. (Botany, of leaves) Having a shape reminiscent of a fiddle; obovate with a pair of sinuous indentations near the base.
PANDURATE adj. fiddle-shaped, e.g. of leaves, also PANDURATED, PANDURIFORM.
PARACHUTEparachute n. (Aviation) A device, generally constructed from fabric, that is designed to employ air resistance to…
parachute n. (Zoology) A web or fold of skin extending between the legs of gliding mammals, such as the flying squirrel and colugo.
parachute n. (BDSM) A small collar which fastens around the scrotum and from which weights can be hung.
PARACUSESparacuses n. Plural of paracusis.
PARACUSIS n. disordered hearing.
PARAGOGUEPARAGOGUE n. the addition of a sound to the end of a word e.g. heighth for height, also PARAGOGE.
PARALOGUEparalogue n. (Genetics) A pair of genes that derives from the same ancestral gene and now reside at different locations…
PARALOGUE n. either of a pair of genes that derive from the same ancestral gene.
PARAQUETSparaquets n. Plural of paraquet.
PASTURAGEpasturage n. A pasture; land that is used for pasture.
pasturage n. The grass or other vegetation eaten by livestock and found in a pasture.
pasturage n. The right to graze livestock on a pasture.
PAURAQUESpauraques n. Plural of pauraque.
PAURAQUE n. a long-tailed nocturnal bird.
PERIAGUASperiaguas n. Plural of periagua.
PERIAGUA n. (Caribbean) a type of dugout canoe, also PIRAGUA, PIROGUE, PIROQUE.
PRAELUDIAPRAELUDIUM n. (Latin) a prelude.
PRECAUDALprecaudal adj. (Zoology) In front of the tail or of the caudal vertebrae.
PRECAUDAL adj. in front of the caudal fin.
RAMPAUGEDrampauged v. Simple past tense and past participle of rampauge.
RAMPAUGE v. (Scots) to rampage.
RAMPAUGESrampauges n. Plural of rampauge.
rampauges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of rampauge.
RAMPAUGE v. (Scots) to rampage.
SEPARATUMseparatum n. A separate copy of a paper originally published in an academic journal.
SEPARATUM n. a separate offprint.
UNAPPARELunapparel v. (Obsolete) To divest of clothing; to strip.
UNAPPAREL v. to divest of clothing; to strip.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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