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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, N, T and Y

ADENYLATEadenylate n. (Organic chemistry) The dissociated anion present in adenylic acid; adenosine monophosphate.
adenylate v. (Genetics) To carry out or induce an adenylation reaction.
ADENYLATE n. an enzyme with key regulatory roles in cells, aka adenyl cyclase.
ALLAYMENTallayment n. Something that allays; mitigation.
ALLAYMENT n. an allaying, a mitigation.
ANAPTYXESanaptyxes n. Plural of anaptyxis.
ANAPTYXIS n. (Greek) the insertion of a vowel between two consonants for ease of pronunciation.
ANIMATELYanimately adv. In an animate manner.
ANIMATE adv. living, having animal life.
ANTENNARYantennary adj. Relating to antennae or feelers.
antennary adj. (Organic chemistry) branching.
ANTENNARY adj. having antennae.
ARRAYMENTARRAYMENT n. clothes; raiment.
CYANURATEcyanurate n. (Biochemistry) A compound formed with cyanuric acid.
cyanurate n. (Biochemistry) The anion formed by the deprotonation of cyanuric acid.
CYANURATE n. a chemical derived from cyanide.
EMANATORYemanatory adj. Emanative; of the nature of an emanation.
EMANATORY adj. of the nature of an emanation.
EUTHANASYeuthanasy n. Archaic form of euthanasia.
EUTHANASY n. the practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition, also EUTHANASIA.
PAGEANTRYpageantry n. A pageant; a colourful show or display, as in a pageant.
PAGEANTRY n. splendid display; pompous spectacle.
PEASANTRYpeasantry n. (Historical) Impoverished rural farm workers, either as serfs, small freeholders or hired hands.
peasantry n. Ignorant people of the lowest social status; bumpkins, rustics.
PEASANTRY n. peasants as a class; the condition or quality of a peasant.
PLANETARYplanetary adj. (Astronomy) Of, or relating to planets, or the orbital motion of planets.
planetary adj. Of, or relating to the Earth; terrestrial.
planetary adj. Of, or relating to the whole Earth; global.
SAFETYMANSAFETYMAN n. a type of defensive player in American football.
SYNAPTASEsynaptase n. (Chemistry) Emulsin.
SYNAPTASE n. emulsin, the white milky pulp or extract of bitter almonds.
TACHYPNEAtachypnea n. Alternative spelling of tachypnoea.
TACHYPNEA n. abnormally rapid breathing, also TACHYPNOEA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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