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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, L, U and V

AUTOCLAVEautoclave n. A strong, pressurized, heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, cooking or mineral processing.
autoclave v. (Transitive) To sterilize laboratory equipment in an autoclave.
autoclave adj. (Cryptography) autokey.
CLAVULATEclavulate adj. Alternative form of clavate.
CLAVULATE adj. club-shaped, also CLAVATE, CLAVATED.
DEVALUATEdevaluate v. (Transitive) To reduce in value.
DEVALUATE v. to devalue, to reduce the value of a country's currency by lowering the exchange rate.
EVALUABLEevaluable adj. Able to be evaluated in a certain way.
EVALUABLE adj. that can be evaluated.
EVALUATEDevaluated v. Simple past tense and past participle of evaluate.
EVALUATE v. to estimate the value of.
EVALUATESevaluates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of evaluate.
EVALUATE v. to estimate the value of.
EVALUATORevaluator n. Agent noun of evaluate; one who evaluates.
EVALUATOR n. one who evaluates, also VALUATOR.
LAUDATIVElaudative adj. Laudatory.
laudative n. (Obsolete) A panegyric; a eulogy.
LAUDATIVE adj. expressing praise.
REVALUATErevaluate v. (Transitive) To make a new valuation or appraisal of.
REVALUATE v. to evaluate again.
UPHEAVALSupheavals n. Plural of upheaval.
UPHEAVAL n. the act of upheaving.
VACUOLATEvacuolate v. (Cytology) to develop or form vacuoles.
VACUOLATE adj. having vacuoles, also VACUOLATED.
VAGINULAEvaginulae n. Plural of vaginula.
VAGINULA n. (Latin) a little sheath, also VAGINULE.
VALLECULAvallecula n. (Anatomy, botany) A depression, channel or groove.
VALLECULA n. (Latin) a groove or furrow.
VALUABLESvaluables n. Valuable items collectively.
VALUABLE n. a possession of value.
VAPULATEDvapulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of vapulate.
VAPULATE v. to flog; to be flogged.
VAPULATESvapulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vapulate.
VAPULATE v. to flog; to be flogged.
VAULTAGESvaultages n. Plural of vaultage.
VAULTAGE n. a cavern, also VAUNTAGE.
VELATURASvelaturas n. Plural of velatura.
VELATURA n. (Italian) a method of glazing a painting by rubbing with the hand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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