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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, E, L, S and X

ASEXUALLYasexually adv. In an asexual manner; without having sex.
ASEXUAL adv. of reproduction, involving only one parent; it usually produces genetically identical offspring.
AXILEMMASAXILEMMA n. the membrane that encloses the axons of a nerve cell, also AXOLEMMA.
AXOLEMMASaxolemmas n. Plural of axolemma.
AXOLEMMA n. the membrane that encloses the axons of a nerve cell, also AXILEMMA.
CATALEXEScatalexes n. Plural of catalexis.
CATALEXIS n. the condition of being catalectic, lacking one syllable in the last foot.
CATALEXIScatalexis n. A shortened or incomplete last foot at the end of a verse.
catalexis n. Truncation at the close of a line of poetry by omission of one or two final syllables.
CATALEXIS n. the condition of being catalectic, lacking one syllable in the last foot.
EXAMPLARSexamplars n. Plural of examplar.
EXAMPLAR n. an ideal model, also EXEMPLAR.
EXHALANTSexhalants n. Plural of exhalant.
EXHALANT n. a vessel that emits vapour or liquid, also EXHALENT.
GRAVLAXESGRAVLAX n. (Swedish) a Scandinavian dish of salmon with spices and salad, also GRAVADLAX, GRAVLAKS.
LAXATIVESlaxatives n. Plural of laxative.
LAXATIVE n. a drug that stimulates evacuation of the bowels.
MALAXAGESMALAXAGE n. the softening of clay by kneading it.
MALAXATESmalaxates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of malaxate.
MALAXATE v. to soften by kneading, also MALAX.
PANSEXUALpansexual adj. Sexually attracted to people regardless of gender.
pansexual adj. Sexually attracted to everyone.
pansexual adj. Welcoming people of all sexual orientations.
PHALANXESphalanxes n. Plural of phalanx.
PHALANX n. a formation of infantry in ancient Greece.
RELAXANTSrelaxants n. Plural of relaxant.
RELAXANT n. a drug that relieves muscular tension.
SEALWAXESSEALWAX n. sealing wax.
SEXTANTALsextantal adj. (Geometry) Of or relating to a sextant.
SEXTANTAL adj. relating to a sextant.
TRANSAXLEtransaxle n. (Automobiles) A single unit combining transmission gearbox, clutch, final drive, and differential are…
TRANSAXLE n. a driving axle and differential gearbox forming an integral unit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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