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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2E and 2N

ABANDONEEabandonee n. (Law) One to whom something is abandoned.
ABANDONEE n. one to whom anything is legally abandoned.
AMENAUNCEamenaunce n. Obsolete form of amenance.
AMENAUNCE n. (Spenser) bearing, conduct.
ANAMNESESanamneses n. Plural of anamnesis.
ANAMNESIS n. a recalling to mind; a preliminary case history of a medical or psychiatric patient.
ANNEALERSannealers n. Plural of annealer.
ANNEALER n. one who anneals.
ANNEXABLEannexable adj. Able to be annexed.
ANNEXABLE adj. that can be annexed.
CATENANEScatenanes n. Plural of catenane.
CATENANE n. a chemical compound having molecules linked like a chain.
ENANTHEMAenanthema n. Alternative form of enanthem.
ENANTHEMA n. an ulcer on a mucous membrane.
ENCAENIASEncaenias n. Plural of Encaenia.
ENCAENIA n. an annual tribute to the founders of Oxford.
ENNEAGRAMenneagram n. (Mathematics) A nine-pointed stellate polygon.
enneagram n. (Psychology) Such a figure used to indicate nine personality traits of a subject.
ENNEAGRAM n. a personality system involving nine distinct personality types.
FAINEANCEfaineance n. The state or quality of being faineant.
FAINEANCE n. (French) doing nothing, being a mere puppet, also FAINEANCY.
FEISEANNAfeiseanna n. Plural of feis.
FEIS n. (Irish) an ancient Irish assembly for the proclamation of laws etc.
HYMENAEANhymenaean n. Alternative form of hymenean.
HYMENAEAN adj. of or relating to marriage, also HYMENAEAL, HYMENEAL, HYMENEAN.
HYMENAEAN n. a wedding song.
MANGANESEmanganese n. (Uncountable) A metallic chemical element (symbol Mn) with an atomic number of 25, not a free element…
manganese n. (Countable) A single atom of this element.
MANGANESE n. a hard grey brittle chemical element, used in steels and magnetic alloys.
NECTAREANnectarean adj. (Poetic, rare) Of or pertaining to nectar; nectareous; sweet.
PALANKEENpalankeen n. Alternative spelling of palanquin.
PALANKEEN n. (Malay) a light litter for one passenger, also PALANQUIN.
WANNABEESwannabees n. Plural of wannabee.
WANNABEE n. someone who tries to be associated with an admired person or set of people, also WANNABE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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