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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 16 nine-letter words containing 2A, D, K, L and R

ADORKABLEadorkable adj. (Informal) Adorable in a dorky, socially awkward manner.
ADORKABLE adj. (slang) socially inept or unfashionable in a charming or endearing way.
AWKWARDLYawkwardly adv. In an awkward manner; with discomfort or lack of coordination.
AWKWARD adv. lacking grace.
BOARDWALKboardwalk n. A slightly elevated path for pedestrians over sandy or swampy ground, typically made out of wood; specifically…
boardwalk v. To install a boardwalk over.
Boardwalk prop.n. A board game space and the most expensive real estate property in the predominant U.S. form of Monopoly.
DEALMAKERdealmaker n. One who makes or brokers business or political transactions.
deal-maker n. Alternative spelling of dealmaker.
DEALMAKER n. a person who makes deals, especially commercial deals.
KAILYAIRDKAILYAIRD n. a cabbage patch, a kitchen garden, also KAILYARD, KALEYARD.
KAILYARDSkailyards n. Plural of kailyard.
KAILYARD n. a kitchen garden, also KALEYARD.
KALENDARSkalendars n. Plural of kalendar.
KALENDAR v. to schedule, also CALENDAR.
KALEYARDSkaleyards n. Plural of kaleyard.
KALEYARD n. a cabbage patch, a kitchen garden, also KAILYAIRD, KAILYARD.
KILLADARSkilladars n. Plural of killadar.
KILLADAR n. (Hindi) in India, the commandant of a fort or garrison.
LAKEWARDSLAKEWARDS adj. facing a lake, also LAKEWARD.
LANDMARKSlandmarks n. Plural of landmark.
landmarks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of landmark.
land␣marks n. Plural of land mark.
LANDSHARKlandshark n. (Obsolete, slang, derogatory, among smugglers) A customs officer.
landshark n. (Obsolete, slang, derogatory) A swindler or fraudster.
landshark n. (Derogatory) A landgrabber.
PARKLANDSparklands n. Plural of parkland.
PARKLAND n. a cared-for area with lawn, trees and shrubs.
SKORDALIAskordalia n. A thick garlic sauce used in Greek cuisine.
SKORDALIA n. (Greek) a dip of cold whipped potatoes and garlic served with pita bread.
TALUKDARStalukdars n. Plural of talukdar.
TALUKDAR n. (Hindi) a proprietor of a taluk, a large estate.
VOLKSRAADVolksraad n. (Historical) A legislative assembly of various Dutch-speaking regions.
VOLKSRAAD n. (South African) a legislative assembly, esp. (with cap.) that of the Transvaal or Orange Free State.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 64 words
  • Scrabble in French: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 27 words
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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