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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, D, G, I and M

AMYGDALINamygdalin n. (Biochemistry) A glycoside of benzaldehyde and hydrogen cyanide found in bitter almonds, and in the…
AMYGDALIN n. a glucoside in bitter almonds, used as an expectorant.
AUDIOGRAMaudiogram n. A graphical representation of the hearing ability of a person.
AUDIOGRAM n. a graphic representation of the relation of vibration frequency and the minimum sound intensity for hearing.
DAMASKINGdamasking v. Present participle of damask.
DAMASK v. to weave with elaborate design.
DIAGRAMEDdiagramed v. Simple past tense and past participle of diagram.
DIAGRAM v. to illustrate by drawing a plan.
DIAMAGNETdiamagnet n. (Physics) Any material that exhibits diamagnetism.
DIAMAGNET n. a body having diamagnetic polarity.
DIAPHRAGMdiaphragm n. (Anatomy) In mammals, a sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen, contracted and relaxed…
diaphragm n. (Anatomy) Any of various membranes or sheets of muscle or ligament which separate one cavity from another.
diaphragm n. A contraceptive device consisting of a flexible cup, used to cover the cervix during intercourse.
GAMMADIONgammadion n. A fylfot.
GAMMADION n. (Greek) a Greek ornamental design, also GAMMATION.
MADRIGALSmadrigals n. Plural of madrigal.
MADRIGAL n. an unaccompanied song in several parts in counterpoint.
MANDATINGmandating v. Present participle of mandate.
MANDATE v. to issue with a mandate.
MARAUDINGmarauding v. Present participle of maraud.
marauding adj. Raiding and pillaging.
marauding adj. (Of an animal) killing in wanton fashion.
MRIDAMGAMmridamgam n. Alternative form of mridangam.
MRIDAMGAM n. (Sanskrit) a two-headed Indian drum, one head being larger than the other, also MRIDANG, MRIDANGA, MRIDANGAM.
MRIDANGAMmridangam n. (Music) A percussion instrument used in southern Indian music, consisting of a two-sided drum whose…
MRIDANGAM n. (Sanskrit) a two-headed Indian drum, one head being larger than the other, also MRIDAMGAM, MRIDANG, MRIDANGA.
MRIDANGASmridangas n. Plural of mridanga.
MRIDANGA n. (Sanskrit) a two-headed Indian drum, one head being larger than the other, also MRIDAMGAM, MRIDANG, MRIDANGAM.
PARADIGMSparadigms n. Plural of paradigm.
PARADIGM n. an example that serves as a pattern or model.
RADIOGRAMradiogram n. A message, like a telegram, transmitted by radio rather than wires.
radiogram n. An entertainment device that combined a radio and a record player or gramophone.
radiogram n. A radiograph.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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