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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2D, L and S

ASTRADDLEastraddle adv. In a straddling position; astride.
astraddle prep. In a straddling position on.
ASTRADDLE adv. in a straddling position.
BALDHEADSbaldheads n. Plural of baldhead.
BALDHEAD n. a bald person.
CLADDAGHSCladdaghs n. Plural of Claddagh.
CLADDAGH n. (Irish) an Irish ring with two hands clasping, traditionally given as a token of affection.
DASTARDLYdastardly adj. In the manner of a dastard; marked by cowardice; pusillanimous.
dastardly adj. Treacherous; given to backstabbing.
dastardly adv. In a cowardly or treacherous fashion.
DAYSAILEDdaysailed v. Simple past tense and past participle of daysail.
DAYSAIL v. to sail a yacht for a day.
DEADFALLSdeadfalls n. Plural of deadfall.
DEADFALL n. a type of animal trap.
ESCALADEDescaladed v. Simple past tense and past participle of escalade.
ESCALADE v. (French) to scale the walls of a fortress by ladders, also ESCALADO, SCALADE, SCALADO.
HEADLANDSheadlands n. Plural of headland.
Headlands prop.n. A village in Makoni District, Manicaland, Zimbabwe.
HEADLAND n. a point of land running out into the sea.
LANDWARDSlandwards adv. Towards land.
LANDWARDS adv. in the direction of land, also LANDWARD.
PALISADEDpalisaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of palisade.
PALISADE v. to fortify with a fence of stakes, also PALISADO.
SADDLEBAGsaddlebag n. A covered pouch, usually one of a pair, laid across the back of a horse, donkey, or mule behind its…
saddlebag n. (In the plural, US, informal) Loose fatty flesh on a person’s upper thighs or buttocks, that hangs like saddlebags.
saddlebag n. (Architecture) A style of house with two rooms separated by a small hall and open space.
SANDALLEDsandalled adj. Wearing a sandal or sandals.
SANDAL v. to dress in light open shoes.
SCALDHEADscaldhead n. Any of several scalp diseases characterised by pustules (the dried discharge of which forms scales)…
SCALDHEAD n. a disease scalp; a scalp disease.
SCANDALEDscandaled v. Simple past tense and past participle of scandal.
SCANDAL v. to defame.
YARDLANDSyardlands n. Plural of yardland.
YARDLAND n. an English unit of land measure equal to 30 acres.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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