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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, S, T and V

ACTIVATESactivates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of activate.
ACTIVATE v. to set in motion.
ADVOCAATSadvocaats n. Plural of advocaat.
ADVOCAAT n. (Dutch) a liqueur containing rum and raw eggs.
ADVOCATESadvocates n. Plural of advocate.
advocates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of advocate.
ADVOCATE v. to plead in favour of.
ATAVISTICatavistic adj. (Biology) Of the recurrence of a trait reappearing after an absence of one or more generations due to…
atavistic adj. Of a throwback or exhibiting primitivism.
atavistic adj. Relating to earlier, more primitive behavior that returns after an absence.
CAUSATIVEcausative adj. Acting as a cause#Noun.
causative adj. Involving, or affected by, causality#Noun.
causative adj. (Linguistics) Expressing a cause#Noun or causation#Noun.
CAVATINAScavatinas n. Plural of cavatina.
CAVATINA n. (Italian) a short operatic air.
CAVEATORScaveators n. Plural of caveator.
CAVEATOR n. one that files a caveat.
CAVITATEScavitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of cavitate.
CAVITATE v. to form cavities.
EVACUANTSevacuants n. Plural of evacuant.
EVACUANT n. a medicine that induces some kind of bodily discharge, as defecation, vomiting, or sweating.
EVACUATESevacuates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of evacuate.
EVACUATE v. to move from a place of danger.
EXCAVATESexcavates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of excavate.
EXCAVATE v. to dig out.
POSTCAVAEpostcavae n. Plural of postcava.
POSTCAVA n. (Latin) a vein in higher vertebrates.
POSTCAVALpostcaval adj. (Anatomy) Posterior to the vena cava.
postcaval n. (Anatomy) A postcaval vein.
POSTCAVAL adj. relating to the postcava, the inferior vena cava.
POSTCAVASPOSTCAVA n. (Latin) a vein in higher vertebrates.
SLAVOCRATslavocrat n. A ruling member of a slavocracy.
SLAVOCRAT n. a slave-owner.
VACATIONSvacations n. Plural of vacation.
vacations v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of vacation.
VACations n. Plural of VACation.
VARACTORSvaractors n. Plural of varactor.
VARACTOR n. a two-electrode semiconductor device.
VIATICALSviaticals n. Life insurance policies which are sold at a discount to the face amount, or death benefit, of people…
VIATICALS n. baggage.
VICARATESvicarates n. Plural of vicarate.
VICARATE n. the office or authority of a vicar, also VICARIATE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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