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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, 2R and U

ARAUCARIAaraucaria n. An individual plant (tree) of the genus Araucaria.
Araucaria n. A species of the genus Araucaria.
Araucaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Araucariaceae – conifer trees, native to South America and Australasia…
ARCATURESarcatures n. Plural of arcature.
ARCATURE n. a small or blind arcade.
ARCHOSAURarchosaur n. A reptile of the taxon Archosauria, which includes the extinct dinosaurs, plesiosaurs, pterosaurs and…
ARCHOSAUR n. any of a subclass of reptiles comprising pterosaurs, dinosaurs and crocodilians.
ARTICULARarticular adj. (Anatomy) Of, at, or relating to the joints of the body.
articular adj. (Grammar) Of or relating to the grammatical article.
ARTICULAR adj. pertaining to joints.
AURICULARauricular adj. (Relational) Of or pertaining to the ear.
auricular adj. (Anatomy, relational) Pertaining to the auricles of the heart.
auricular adj. (Art, relational) Pertaining to a style of ornamental decoration, originating in Northern Europe in…
BARRACUDAbarracuda n. Any large marine fish of the genus Sphyraena that have elongated bodies, a projecting lower jaw, displaying…
barracuda n. (Figuratively) One who uses harsh or predatory means to compete.
BARRACUDA n. (Spanish) a voracious tropical fish.
CARBURATEcarburate v. Alternative form of carburet.
CARBURATE v. to combine with carbon, also CARBURET.
CARNOSAURcarnosaur n. Any large carnivorous bipedal dinosaur of the infraorder Carnosauria.
CARNOSAUR n. a meat-eating dinosaur.
CARTULARYcartulary n. A medieval manuscript register containing full or excerpted transcriptions of important documents, especially…
cartulary n. A collection of original documents bound in one volume.
cartulary n. An officer who had charge of records or other public papers.
CREATURALcreatural adj. Of or relating to a creature.
creatural adj. Being a creature, created.
CREATURAL adj. relating to a creature or thing created, also CREATURELY.
CURANDERAcurandera n. (Often italicized) A specifically female curandero, or traditional Central American healer.
CURANDERA n. a female faith healer.
FRACTURALfractural adj. Of or pertaining to a fracture.
FRACTURAL adj. relating to a fracture.
FURCRAEASFURCRAEA n. a tropical American genus of plants related to the agave.
MACRURANSmacrurans n. Plural of macruran.
MACRURAN n. any of a suborder of crustaceans.
RADICULARradicular adj. (Anatomy) Pertaining to a root or to a radicle; specifically, pertaining to the roots of the spinal…
RADICULAR adj. of or pertaining to roots.
SACRARIUMsacrarium n. (Historical) In Ancient Rome, a place where sacred objects were kept, either in a temple (the adytum)…
sacrarium n. The area surrounding the altar of a Christian church; the sanctuary or piscina. Sometimes specifically…
sacrarium n. (Anatomy) The complex sacrum of any bird.
URTICARIAurticaria n. (Pathology) Itchy, swollen, red areas of the skin which can appear quickly in response to an allergen…
URTICARIA n. nettle rash, hives.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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