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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, O, R and V

ACTIVATORactivator n. One who, or that which, activates.
activator n. (Chemistry) Something that activates a catalyst.
activator n. (Biology) Any chemical or agent which regulates one or more genes by increasing the rate of transcription.
ADVOCATORadvocator n. One who advocates; an advocate.
ADVOCATOR n. one who advocates.
AVOPARCINavoparcin n. A glycopeptide antibiotic, produced by Streptomyces candidus, that is used to treat farm animals.
AVOPARCIN n. an antibiotic, formerly used to promote growth in farm animals.
CARNIVORACarnivora prop.n. A taxonomic order within the class Mammalia – all carnivores.
CARNIVORA n. an order of flesh-eating mammals, including dogs, cats, bears, weasels, etc.
CARVACROLcarvacrol n. (Organic chemistry) A monoterpenoid phenol with a characteristic pungent, warm odour of oregano and a pizzalike taste.
CARVACROL n. a thick oily liquid of a strong taste and disagreeable odor, obtained from oil of caraway.
CAVALEROScavaleros n. Plural of cavalero.
CAVALERO n. a horseman, also CABALLERO.
CAVEATORScaveators n. Plural of caveator.
CAVEATOR n. one that files a caveat.
COVARIANTcovariant adj. (Category theory) (Of a functor) which preserves composition.
covariant adj. (Object-oriented programming) Using or relating to covariance.
covariant n. (Algebra) A bihomogeneous polynomial in x, y, ... and the coefficients of some homogeneous form in x…
COVARIATEcovariate n. (Statistics) A variable that is possibly predictive of the outcome under study.
COVARIATE n. a statistical variable.
EVACUATORevacuator n. One who evacuates; a nullifier.
evacuator n. An agent for emptying, especially an instrument for removing fragments of stone from the bladder after litholapaxy.
EVACUATOR n. something or someone that evacuates.
EXCAVATORexcavator n. A person who excavates.
excavator n. A vehicle, often on tracks, used to dig ditches etc.
excavator n. A curette used to scrape out pathological material.
SLAVOCRATslavocrat n. A ruling member of a slavocracy.
SLAVOCRAT n. a slave-owner.
VARACTORSvaractors n. Plural of varactor.
VARACTOR n. a two-electrode semiconductor device.
VARIFOCALvarifocal adj. Having a variable focal length, with focus that changes in synchronization.
VARIFOCAL n. of spectacles, having differing focal lengths.
VOCABULARvocabular adj. (Archaic) Relating to vocabulary.
VOCABULAR adj. of or concerning words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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