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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, N, R and Y

ABERRANCYaberrancy n. The condition of being aberrant; an aberrance.
aberrancy n. (Geometry) The deviation of a curve from circular form.
ABERRANCY n. the state of being aberrant; deviation from a norm, also ABERRANCE.
ACRONYCALacronycal adj. (Astronomy) Rising at sunset and setting at sunrise, as a star.
ACRONYCAL adj. occurring at nightfall or sunset, (esp. of the rising or setting of stars), also ACRONIC, ACRONICAL, ACRONYCHAL.
AEROMANCYaeromancy n. Divination by use of atmospheric conditions.
aëromancy n. Alternative form of aeromancy.
AEROMANCY n. divination by means of the weather.
ANCILLARYancillary adj. Subordinate; secondary; auxiliary.
ancillary n. Something that serves an ancillary function, such as an easel for a painter.
ancillary n. (Archaic) An auxiliary.
APPARENCYapparency n. The quality of being apparent; apparentness.
apparency n. (Obsolete) Appearance.
apparency n. The position of being heir apparent.
ARRIVANCYARRIVANCY n. (Shakespeare) company arriving, also ARRIVANCE.
ARROGANCYarrogancy n. (Now rare) Arrogance.
ARROGANCY n. the quality of being arrogant, also ARROGANCE.
CANARYINGcanarying v. Present participle of canary.
CANARY v. to prance about.
CANDYGRAMcandygram n. A box of candy/lollies, delivered with a greeting or other prepared message, often used for Valentine’s Day dances.
candy-gram n. Alternative spelling of candygram.
candy␣gram n. Alternative spelling of candygram.
CAPTAINRYcaptainry n. (Obsolete) Power or command over a district; chieftainship.
CAPTAINRY n. the rank or condition of a captain, also CAPTAINCY.
CARNALITYcarnality n. The state of being carnal.
carnality n. A preoccupation with sexual desire.
CARNALITY n. the state of being carnal.
CAULINARYcaulinary adj. Cauline.
CAULINARY adj. belonging to or growing from a stem, also CAULINE.
CRANIALLYcranially adv. With regard to the cranium.
cranially adv. Towards the cranium.
CRANIAL adv. pertaining to the skull.
CYANURATEcyanurate n. (Biochemistry) A compound formed with cyanuric acid.
cyanurate n. (Biochemistry) The anion formed by the deprotonation of cyanuric acid.
CYANURATE n. a chemical derived from cyanide.
CYBRARIANcybrarian n. One who maintains a cybrary; a librarian who works with digital resources online.
CYBRARIAN n. a person in charge of computer archives.
FLAGRANCYflagrancy n. The condition of being flagrant.
FLAGRANCY n. a burning; notoriety, also FLAGRANCE.
FRAGRANCYfragrancy n. Fragrance.
FRAGRANCY n. pleasantness of smell, also FRAGRANCE.
PARCENARYparcenary n. (Law) The holding or occupation of an inheritable estate which descends from the ancestor to two or…
PARCENARY n. the state of being a parcener, a joint heir.
PYRACANTHpyracanth n. Any of various thorny shrubs of the genus Pyracantha having small white flowers followed by hard red…
PYRACANTH n. the evergreen thorn, a shrub native of Europe, also PYRACANTHA.
SANCTUARYsanctuary n. A place of safety, refuge, or protection.
sanctuary n. An area set aside for protection.
sanctuary n. A state of being protected, asylum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 81 words
  • Scrabble in French: 15 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 12 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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