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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, M, N and U

ACHAENIUMachaenium n. Alternative form of achenium.
ACHAENIUM n. a small one-seeded fruit; a naked seed, also ACHENE, ACHENIUM, AKENE.
ACUMINATEacuminate adj. Tapering to a point; pointed.
acuminate adj. (Botany, mycology) Tapering to a long point in concave manner at its apex.
acuminate v. (Transitive) To render sharp or keen; to sharpen.
AMBULANCEambulance n. An emergency vehicle designed for transporting seriously ill or injured people to a hospital.
ambulance n. (Military) A mobile field hospital.
ambulance n. (Obsolete, US) A prairie wagon.
AMENAUNCEamenaunce n. Obsolete form of amenance.
AMENAUNCE n. (Spenser) bearing, conduct.
CACUMINALcacuminal adj. Pertaining to a point, top, or crown.
cacuminal adj. (Linguistics, phonology) Pronounced using a retroflexed tongue.
cacuminal n. (Linguistics, phonology) A sound pronounced using a retroflexed tongue.
CALCANEUMcalcaneum n. (Anatomy) The calcaneus.
CALCANEUM n. (Latin) one of the bones of the tarsus which in man forms the great bone of the heel, also CALCANEUS.
CAMPANULAcampanula n. (Botany) Any plant of the genus Campanula.
Campanula prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Campanulaceae – the bellflowers and related plants.
CAMPANULA n. (Latin) a member of the bellflower family.
CATAMOUNTcatamount n. (US) A wild animal of the family Felidae, especially the cougar or puma (Puma concolor).
catamount n. (Obsolete) Synonym of catamountain (“a leopard, a panther (Panthera pardus)”).
CATAMOUNT n. any of various large wild cats, applied esp. to the leopard, panther or ocelot, also CATAMOUNTAIN.
CAUMSTANECAUMSTANE n. a white argillaceous stone used for whitening hearthstones and doorsteps.
CUMACEANScumaceans n. Plural of cumacean.
CUMACEAN n. a small crustacean living on the seabed.
FAUXMANCEfauxmance n. A fake romance between celebrities, arranged for publicity.
FAUXMANCE n. (colloquial) a fake romance between two celebrities in order to gain press coverage.
MACRURANSmacrurans n. Plural of macruran.
MACRURAN n. any of a suborder of crustaceans.
MANDUCATEmanducate v. (Literary) To chew; to masticate.
manducate v. (Literary) To eat.
MANDUCATE v. to chew or eat.
MANUMATICmanumatic adj. Describing any of several forms of motor car transmission that have both manual and automatic features.
manumatic n. A transmission of this kind.
manumatic n. A vehicle having such a transmission.
MANURANCEmanurance n. (Obsolete) cultivation.
MANURANCE n. (archaic) cultivation.
NAMAYCUSHnamaycush n. (Canada, US) The togue: a large North American lake trout, Salvelinus namaycush, usually spotted with red.
NAMAYCUSH n. (Native American) a freshwater char living mainly in lakes in northern North America, aka tuladi or togue.
NAUMACHIAnaumachia n. (Historical, nautical, in Ancient Rome) The recreation of a sea battle staged for entertainment.
naumachia n. (Historical) The location where such recreated sea battles took place; a building featuring an artificial…
NAUMACHIA n. (Latin) a mock sea battle, performed as a spectacle among the ancient Romans, also NAUMACHY.
UNMANACLEunmanacle v. (Transitive) To release from manacles.
UNMANACLE v. to free from manacles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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