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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, L, U and V

AUTOCLAVEautoclave n. A strong, pressurized, heated vessel, as for laboratory experiments, sterilization, cooking or mineral processing.
autoclave v. (Transitive) To sterilize laboratory equipment in an autoclave.
autoclave adj. (Cryptography) autokey.
AVASCULARavascular adj. (Medicine) Lacking blood vessels.
AVASCULAR adj. not having blood vessels.
AVUNCULARavuncular adj. In the manner of an uncle, pertaining to an uncle.
avuncular adj. (By extension) Kind, genial, benevolent, or tolerant.
AVUNCULAR adj. suggestive of an uncle, esp. in kindliness or geniality.
CALVARIUMcalvarium n. (Anatomy) The upper, domelike portion of the skull (without the lower jaw).
CALVARIUM n. (Latin) the dome of the skull.
CLAVICULAclavicula n. (Anatomy) Alternative form of clavicle.
CLAVICULA n. (Latin) the collarbone, also CLAVICLE.
CLAVULATEclavulate adj. Alternative form of clavate.
CLAVULATE adj. club-shaped, also CLAVATE, CLAVATED.
NAVICULARnavicular adj. Shaped like a boat.
navicular adj. Relating to boats.
navicular n. (Anatomy) A navicular bone.
NAVICULASNAVICULA n. (Latin) an incense-holder shaped like a boat.
VACUOLATEvacuolate v. (Cytology) to develop or form vacuoles.
VACUOLATE adj. having vacuoles, also VACUOLATED.
VALLECULAvallecula n. (Anatomy, botany) A depression, channel or groove.
VALLECULA n. (Latin) a groove or furrow.
VIBRACULAvibracula n. Plural of vibraculum.
VIBRACULUM n. (Latin) one of the movable, slender, spinelike organs or parts with which certain bryozoans are furnished.
VOCABULARvocabular adj. (Archaic) Relating to vocabulary.
VOCABULAR adj. of or concerning words.
VULCANIANVulcanian adj. Of or pertaining to the god Vulcan.
Vulcanian adj. Of or pertaining to working in iron or other metals.
Vulcanian adj. (Geology, archaic) volcanic.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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