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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, L and 2O

ACAROLOGYacarology n. (Zoology) The study of ticks and mites.
ACAROLOGY n. the study of mites.
ACROSOMALacrosomal adj. Of or pertaining to acrosomes.
ACROSOMAL adj. relating to an acrosome, a structure containing enzymes found at the tip of the spine.
ALLOCATORallocator n. One who, or that which, allocates.
allocator n. (Computing) A utility that allocates and deallocates a dynamic resource (usually memory).
ALLOCATOR n. one who allocates.
CALABOOSEcalaboose n. (US, Australia, dialect) A prison or jail/gaol.
CALABOOSE n. (Spanish) a prison, jail.
CALLALOOScallaloos n. Plural of callaloo.
CALLALOO n. (Caribbean) a soup made with greens, onions and crabmeat, also CALALOO, CALALU, CALLALOU.
COACHLOADcoachload n. As much or as many as can fill a coach.
COACHLOAD n. the passengers of a coach taken collectively.
COELOMATAcoelomata n. Plural of coeloma.
cœlomata n. Plural of cœloma.
COELOM n. (Greek) a body cavity in some animals, also CELOM, COELOME.
COOLABAHScoolabahs n. Plural of coolabah.
COOLABAH n. (Native Australian) a type of tree, also COOLIBAH, COOLIBAR.
HOOLACHANHOOLACHAN n. (Gaelic) a Highland reel, esp. the reel of Tulloch, also HOOLICAN.
OCTAGONALoctagonal adj. (Geometry) Shaped like an octagon, in having eight sides and eight angles.
OCTAGONAL adj. having eight sides and eight angles.
OOLACHANSoolachans n. Plural of oolachan.
TAPACOLOStapacolos n. Plural of tapacolo.
TAPACOLO n. (Spanish) a small South American bird, also TAPACULO.
TOXOCARALTOXOCARAL adj. related to toxocara.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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