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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, H, K and L

BACKHAULSbackhauls v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backhaul.
BACKHAUL v. to return after delivering a cargo.
BACKSLASHbackslash n. The punctuation mark \.
backslash n. (Computing, rare, proscribed) Used erroneously in reference to, or in reading out, the ordinary slash…
backslash v. (Computing, transitive) To escape (a metacharacter) by prepending a backslash that serves as an escape…
BLACKHEADblackhead n. (Countable, medicine) A comedo, a skin blemish, a type of acne vulgaris, where a pore becomes clogged…
blackhead n. (Uncountable) A form of histomoniasis in poultry, characterized by cyanotic discoloration on the bird’s head.
blackhead n. (Countable) A scaup: any of various ducks of the genus Aythya.
BLACKWASHblackwash n. (Slang, New Zealand) A whitewash victory for any New Zealand national sporting team.
blackwash n. (Slang, cricket) A whitewash victory for the West Indies cricket team. Started in the 1984–86 "Blackwash"…
blackwash n. (Medicine) A lotion made by mixing calomel and limewater.
CHAKALAKAchakalaka n. A spicy African vegetable relish traditionally served with bread, pap, samp, stews, and curries.
CHAKALAKA n. (South African) a relish of tomatoes, onions and spices.
CHALKFACEchalkface n. (Geology) A cliff or quarry exposing chalk, e.g. the White Cliffs of Dover.
chalkface n. (Education) The environment where teaching is carried out, specifically a school.
CHALKFACE n. as in the phrase at the chalkface, i.e. in the classroom, as the centre of a teacher's activities.
CHALKLANDchalkland n. Land in which the underlying geology is chalk.
CHALKLAND n. land composed of chalk.
CHALKMARKCHALKMARK n. a mark made with chalk (in phrase walk the chalkmark).
FLASHBACKflashback n. (Authorship) A dramatic device in which an earlier event is inserted into the normal chronological flow…
flashback n. (Psychology) A vivid mental image of a past trauma or other sensation that the trauma is happening in…
flashback n. A similar recurrence of the effects of a hallucinogenic drug.
HALFBACKShalfbacks n. Plural of halfback.
half-backs n. Plural of half-back.
HALFBACK n. a position in football.
HALFTRACKhalftrack n. Alternative form of half-track.
halftrack adj. Alternative form of half-track.
half-track n. A vehicle combining both wheels and treads (caterpillar tracks).
HAULBACKSHAULBACK n. a line for drawing a cable back.
KALANCHOEkalanchoe n. Any of the genus Kalanchoe of tropical, succulent flowering plants.
Kalanchoe prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Crassulaceae – tropical succulent flowering plants native principally…
KALANCHOE n. a succulent plant which bears red, yellow or pink clusters on long stems.
KNAIDLACHknaidlach n. Plural of knaidel.
KNAIDEL n. (Yiddish) in Jewish cooking, a dumpling, also KNEIDEL.
WHALEBACKwhaleback n. (Historical) A kind of cargo steamship with a hull that continuously curves above the waterline from…
whaleback n. (Geology) A landform (typically a sand dune) having the form of the back of a whale.
WHALEBACK n. a kind of steamboat used on the Great Lakes to carry grain, etc. having a rounded upper deck.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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