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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, G, R and T

CARPETBAGcarpetbag n. A traveling bag made from scraps of carpet and widely used in the United States (and elsewhere) in the…
carpetbag v. (Chiefly US) To come to a place or organisation with which one has no previous connection with the sole…
carpetbag adj. (Chiefly US) Having the characteristics of carpetbaggers.
CARTILAGEcartilage n. (Anatomy, uncountable) A usually translucent and somewhat elastic, dense, nonvascular connective tissue…
cartilage n. (Anatomy, countable) A particular structure made of cartilage.
CARTILAGE n. gristle, a firm pearly white substance forming the embryonic skeleton of vertebrates (temporary cartilage) converted into bone in adults.
CARTOGRAMcartogram n. (Dated) A map used to indicate geographically-bound statistical information, typically region-by-region…
CARTOGRAM n. a map with diagrammatic statistical information.
CARTONAGECARTONAGE n. (French) papyrus or linen soaked in plaster, shaped around a body; used for mummy masks and coffins, also CARTONNAGE.
CATALOGERcataloger n. Alternative spelling of cataloguer.
CATALOGER n. (US) one who catalogs, also CATALOGUER, CATALOGUIST.
CIGUATERAciguatera n. A foodborne poisoning in humans caused by eating marine species whose flesh is contaminated with ciguatoxin.
CIGUATERA n. (Spanish) poisoning caused by the ingestion of various normally edible tropical fish in whose flesh a toxin has accumulated.
FACTORAGEfactorage n. The commission paid to a factor.
factorage n. The business of a factor.
FACTORAGE n. the fees or commission of a factor.
GATECRASHgatecrash v. To attend a social event without having been invited, or without having paid.
gatecrash n. An instance of gatecrashing a party, event, etc.
gatecrash n. (Asian English) Part of a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony in which the groom and his groomsmen…
GRAMMATICgrammatic adj. Grammatical.
GRAMMATIC adj. belonging to, or according to the rules of, grammar, also GRAMMATICAL.
GREATCOATgreatcoat n. A heavy overcoat.
GREATCOAT n. an overcoat.
PRAGMATICpragmatic adj. Practical, concerned with making decisions and actions that are useful in practice, not just theory.
pragmatic adj. Philosophical; dealing with causes, reasons, and effects, rather than with details and circumstances;…
pragmatic adj. Interfering in the affairs of others; officious; meddlesome.
RECATALOGrecatalog v. Alternative form of recatalogue.
RECATALOG v. to catalog again, also RECATALOGUE.
SUGARCOATsugarcoat v. (Transitive) To coat with sugar.
sugarcoat v. (Transitive, figurative) To make superficially more attractive; to give a falsely pleasant appearance to.
sugar-coat v. Alternative spelling of sugarcoat.
TACHOGRAMtachogram n. A graphical record of the movement and velocity of the bloodstream, made by a tachometer.
TACHOGRAM n. a record made by a tachograph, an instrument for recording speed of rotation.
TRACKAGEStrackages n. Plural of trackage.
TRACKAGE n. the track system of a railroad.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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