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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, G, L and R

ACAROLOGYacarology n. (Zoology) The study of ticks and mites.
ACAROLOGY n. the study of mites.
ALGEBRAICalgebraic adj. Of, or relating to, algebra.
algebraic adj. (Mathematics, of an expression, equation, or function) Containing only numbers, letters, and arithmetic operators.
algebraic adj. (Algebra, number theory, of a number) Which is a root of some polynomial whose coefficients are rational.
ARCHANGELarchangel n. A powerful angel that leads many other angels, but is still loyal to a deity, and often seen as belonging…
archangel n. Synonym of angelica (“the garden herb”).
Archangel prop.n. A city in northwestern Russia.
CABLEGRAMcablegram n. A telegram transmitted via a submarine cable.
cablegram v. (Rare) To communicate by cablegram.
CABLEGRAM n. a message sent by a submarine telegraphic cable.
CALLIGRAMcalligram n. A word, phrase or longer text in which the typeface or the layout has some special significance.
calligram n. A signature made from interwoven Arabic words.
CALLIGRAM n. a design using the letters of a word, also CALLIGRAMME.
CARDIALGYcardialgy n. (Medicine) Heartburn.
CARDIALGY n. heartburn, also CARDIALGIA.
CARTILAGEcartilage n. (Anatomy, uncountable) A usually translucent and somewhat elastic, dense, nonvascular connective tissue…
cartilage n. (Anatomy, countable) A particular structure made of cartilage.
CARTILAGE n. gristle, a firm pearly white substance forming the embryonic skeleton of vertebrates (temporary cartilage) converted into bone in adults.
CATALOGERcataloger n. Alternative spelling of cataloguer.
CATALOGER n. (US) one who catalogs, also CATALOGUER, CATALOGUIST.
CELLARAGEcellarage n. The space or storerooms of a cellar.
cellarage n. A fee charged for storing goods in a cellar.
CELLARAGE n. the space or storerooms of a cellar.
CLADOGRAMcladogram n. (Taxonomy) A branching treelike graphical representation of the phylogenetic relationships between organisms…
cladogram n. (Phylogenetics) A phylogenetic tree that is strictly the outcome of a cladistic analysis.
CLADOGRAM n. a branching diagram showing the development of a clade.
CLEARAGESclearages n. Plural of clearage.
CLEARAGE n. a piece of land cleared.
FLAGRANCEflagrance n. Flagrancy.
FLAGRANCE n. a burning; notoriety, also FLAGRANCY.
FLAGRANCYflagrancy n. The condition of being flagrant.
FLAGRANCY n. a burning; notoriety, also FLAGRANCE.
GRAPHICALgraphical adj. Of, related to, or shown on a graph.
graphical adj. (Computing) Of, related to, or using graphics.
graphical adj. Written or engraved; formed of letters or lines.
GRAYSCALEgrayscale n. (Photography) A printed strip of graduated tones used to check exposure and development times.
grayscale n. (Imaging) The use of black and white, representing color with shades of gray.
grayscale adj. (Imaging) Black and white, representing color with shades of gray.
MACROGLIAmacroglia n. Any of various glial cells that are larger than microglia.
MACROGLIA n. one of the two types of non-nervous tissue found in the central nervous system.
ORGANICALorganical adj. Archaic form of organic.
ORGANICAL adj. (obsolete) relating to, derived from, like or of the nature of an organ, also ORGANIC.
RECATALOGrecatalog v. Alternative form of recatalogue.
RECATALOG v. to catalog again, also RECATALOGUE.
SACRALGIAsacralgia n. (Pathology) Pain in the sacral region.
SACRALGIA n. inflammation of the sacrum.
SCALOGRAMscalogram n. (Signal processing) A visual representation of a wavelet transform, having axes for time, scale, and…
SCALOGRAM n. an arrangement of items, as problems in a test or features of speech, such that the presence or accomplishment at one level implies the presence or ability to accomplish all lower levels.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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