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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 7 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, G, H and O

AGALLOCHSAGALLOCH n. (Greek) the fragrant wood of a tropical tree, also AGALWOOD.
ANCHORAGEanchorage n. (Nautical) A harbor, river, or offshore area that can accommodate a ship at anchor, either for quarantine…
anchorage n. (Nautical) A fee charged for anchoring.
anchorage n. That into which something is anchored or fastened.
ARCOGRAPHarcograph n. An instrument for drawing a circular arc without the use of a central point.
ARCOGRAPH n. an instrument for drawing arcs without using a central point.
CHARANGOScharangos n. Plural of charango.
CHARANGO n. a small South American ten-stringed instrument, made from the shell of an armadillo.
GAZPACHOSgazpachos n. Plural of gazpacho.
GAZPACHO n. (Spanish) a chilled soup with tomatoes, onion, green pepper, and herbs.
GUACHAROSguacharos n. Plural of guacharo.
GUACHARO n. (Spanish) a nocturnal bird of South America and Trinidad, aka oilbird.
TACHOGRAMtachogram n. A graphical record of the movement and velocity of the bloodstream, made by a tachometer.
TACHOGRAM n. a record made by a tachograph, an instrument for recording speed of rotation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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