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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, F, L and R

AFTERCLAPafterclap n. (Archaic) An additional adverse event that occurs unexpectedly after an earlier one was thought to be…
afterclap n. (Archaic) An unfavourable turn of events following a favourable situation; an eventuality for which…
afterclap n. The consequence (often, but not always, adverse) of an action or event.
FACTORIALfactorial n. (Mathematics, combinatorics) The result of multiplying a given number of consecutive integers from 1…
factorial adj. (Mathematics) Of or pertaining to a factor or factorial.
factorial adj. Of or pertaining to a factor, a kind of business agent.
FLAGRANCEflagrance n. Flagrancy.
FLAGRANCE n. a burning; notoriety, also FLAGRANCY.
FLAGRANCYflagrancy n. The condition of being flagrant.
FLAGRANCY n. a burning; notoriety, also FLAGRANCE.
FLANCARDSflancards n. Plural of flancard.
FLANCARD n. a piece of armor for the side of a horse.
FLAPTRACKflaptrack n. (Aviation) The track on which the flaps of an aircraft are mounted.
FLAPTRACK n. a racetrack for flapping i.e. unregistered horse-racing.
FLAREBACKflareback n. A burst of flame emitted from a cannon, furnace, etc. in an abnormal direction.
FLAREBACK n. a flame in the breech of a gun when fired.
FLASHCARDflashcard n. A card used to aid rote memorization. One side of the card contains data of one kind, or a question…
flashcard n. (Electronics) A solid-state digital memory storage format, commonly found on computers, digital cameras…
flash␣card n. Alternative form of flashcard.
FRACTURALfractural adj. Of or pertaining to a fracture.
FRACTURAL adj. relating to a fracture.
HALFTRACKhalftrack n. Alternative form of half-track.
halftrack adj. Alternative form of half-track.
half-track n. A vehicle combining both wheels and treads (caterpillar tracks).
PREFACIALprefacial adj. (Anatomy) anterior to the face.
PREFACIAL adj. relating to a preface.
TRIFACIALtrifacial adj. Trigeminal.
trifacial n. (Neuroanatomy) trigeminal nerve.
TRIFACIAL adj. threefold and relating to the face.
VARIFOCALvarifocal adj. Having a variable focal length, with focus that changes in synchronization.
VARIFOCAL n. of spectacles, having differing focal lengths.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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