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There are 20 nine-letter words containing 2A, C, E, F and S

AFFIANCESaffiances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of affiance.
AFFIANCE v. to betroth.
ARTEFACTSartefacts n. Plural of artefact.
ARTEFACT n. an object made by man, also ARTIFACT.
CALIFATEScalifates n. Plural of califate.
COALFACEScoalfaces n. Plural of coalface.
COALFACE n. exposed coal in a mine.
FABACEOUSfabaceous adj. Having the nature of a bean; like a bean.
FABACEOUS adj. beanlike.
FACEMAILSfacemails n. Plural of facemail.
FACEMAIL n. electronic mail delivered by a computer generated face.
FACEMASKSfacemasks n. Plural of facemask.
face␣masks n. Plural of face mask.
FACEMASK n. a device to shield the face.
FACEPALMSfacepalms n. Plural of facepalm.
facepalms v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of facepalm.
face-palms n. Plural of face-palm.
FAGACEOUSfagaceous adj. (Botany) Of the family Fagaceae of beeches and similar trees.
FAGACEOUS adj. belonging to the beech family of trees.
FALLACIESfallacies n. Plural of fallacy.
FALLACY n. delusion or error.
FALSEFACEfalseface n. A mask covering the face.
false␣face n. (Obsolete) A mask.
FALSEFACE n. a mask.
FASCIATEDfasciated v. Simple past tense and past participle of fasciate.
fasciated adj. Fasciate.
FASCIATED adj. exhibiting a flattened ribbonlike structure, also FASCIATE.
FASCINATEfascinate v. To evoke an intense interest or attraction in someone.
fascinate v. To make someone hold motionless; to spellbind.
fascinate v. To be irresistibly charming or attractive to.
FEASANCESfeasances n. Plural of feasance.
FEASANCE n. the performance of a condition, obligation or duty.
FURCRAEASFURCRAEA n. a tropical American genus of plants related to the agave.
HALFPACEShalfpaces n. Plural of halfpace.
HALFPACE n. a dais; a small landing on staircase.
HARDFACEShardfaces v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hardface.
HARDFACE n. a relentless and uncaring person.
HEADSCARFheadscarf n. A more or less square piece of material worn over the head, typically by women, often to protect the…
head-scarf n. Alternative form of headscarf.
head␣scarf n. Alternative form of headscarf.
PALEFACESpalefaces n. Plural of paleface.
Palefaces n. Plural of Paleface.
pale␣faces n. Plural of pale face.
SEACRAFTSseacrafts n. Plural of seacraft.
SEACRAFT n. skill in navigation.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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