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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 19 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2C, N and S

ACCUSANTSaccusants n. Plural of accusant.
ACCUSANT n. an accuser.
ACUTANCESacutances n. Plural of acutance.
ACUTANCE n. a measure of photographic clarity.
BACCHANTSbacchants n. Plural of bacchant.
BACCHANT n. a priest of Bacchus, a reveller.
CALCANEUScalcaneus n. The large bone making up the heel of the human foot, the heel bone.
CALCANEUS n. (Latin) one of the bones of the tarsus which in man forms the great bone of the heel, also CALCANEUM.
CAPSAICINcapsaicin n. (Organic chemistry) A chemical compound found in chilli peppers, which is responsible for their pungent flavor.
CAPSAICIN n. a cyclic amide responsible for the pungency of capsicums.
CARCANETScarcanets n. Plural of carcanet.
CARCANET n. (obsolete) an ornamental necklace, collar or headband.
CARCASINGCARCASE v. to put a carcase or frame on, also CARCASS.
CASCADINGcascading v. Present participle of cascade.
CASCADE v. to fall like a waterfall.
CETACEANScetaceans n. Plural of cetacean.
CETACEAN n. a type of aquatic mammal, including whales and dolphins.
CHARACINScharacins n. Plural of characin.
CHARACIN n. any carnivorous freshwater fish of the family Characidae, which includes the pirana, also CHARACID.
CORANACHScoranachs n. Plural of coranach.
CORANACH n. (Gaelic) a lamentation for the dead; a dirge, also CORONACH.
CRACKSMANcracksman n. (Archaic, informal) A burglar or safebreaker.
CRACKSMAN n. a safe-breaker.
CRANKCASEcrankcase n. The part of an engine that contains the crankshaft.
CRANKCASE n. the case or covering in which a crankshaft is enclosed.
CUMACEANScumaceans n. Plural of cumacean.
CUMACEAN n. a small crustacean living on the seabed.
DANCICALSDANCICAL n. a type of dance show in which choreographed performers dance to pop songs.
SACCHARINsaccharin n. (Chemistry) a white, crystalline powder, C7H5NO3S, used as an artificial sweetener in food products.
SACCHARIN n. an artificial sweetener, also SACCHARINE.
SANDCRACKsandcrack n. Alternative form of sand crack.
sand␣crack n. A vertical fissure in the wall of a horse’s hoof; a quarter crack.
sand␣crack n. A crack in a moulded brick before burning.
VACANCIESvacancies n. Plural of vacancy.
VACANCY n. the state of being vacant, also VACANCE.
VACCINIASvaccinias n. Plural of vaccinia.
VACCINIA n. (Latin) cowpox, also VACCINA.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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