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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, N, T and U

AMBULANTSambulants n. Plural of ambulant.
AMBULANT n. a walking patient.
ANTIABUSEantiabuse adj. Preventing or countering abuse.
ANTIABUSE adj. designed to prevent abuse.
ANTIURBANantiurban adj. (Sociology) Showing a negative view of cities or city life.
ANTIURBAN adj. opposed to towns.
AUTOBAHNSautobahns n. Plural of autobahn.
AUTOBAHN n. (German) a motorway.
AUTOBANKSAUTOBANK n. a machine offering cash and other banking services.
MARABUNTAmarabunta n. A kind of army ant said to devour every living thing in its path.
marabunta n. Any of several large wasps known for their painful stings…
MARABUNTA n. (Caribbean) in the Caribbean, a social wasp; an ill-tempered woman.
RAMBUTANSrambutans n. Plural of rambutan.
RAMBUTAN n. (Malay) a tree of the same family as the lychee; its edible fruit.
UNABATINGunabating adj. Not abating; ongoing, continuing.
UNABATING adj. not abating.
UNACTABLEunactable adj. Impossible to act.
UNACTABLE adj. that cannot be acted.
UNDATABLEundatable adj. Not able to be dated; that may be not be ascribed a date (or age).
undatable adj. Not dateable; unsuitable for romantic outings; unattractive.
undatable n. A person who is unsuitable to be dated, or taken on a romantic outing.
UNEATABLEuneatable adj. Not eatable; not fit for eating.
UNEATABLE adj. that cannot be eaten.
UNSATABLEunsatable adj. Insatiable; that cannot be sated.
UNSATABLE adj. that cannot be sated.
UNTAMABLEuntamable adj. Alternative spelling of untameable.
UNTAMABLE adj. not tamable, also UNTAMEABLE.
UNTAMABLYuntamably adv. Alternative form of untameably.
UNTAMABLE adv. not tamable, also UNTAMEABLE.
UNTAXABLEuntaxable adj. That cannot be taxed.
untaxable adj. On which tax is not paid.
UNTAXABLE adj. not taxable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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