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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, E, S and Y

ABASHEDLYabashedly adv. In an abashed manner.
ABASHED adv. ABASH, to strike with shame.
ABEYANCESabeyances n. Plural of abeyance.
ABEYANCE n. a state of suspension or temporary inactivity, also ABEYANCY.
ASSAYABLEassayable adj. That may be assayed.
ASSAYABLE adj. that may be assayed.
BALAYAGESbalayages n. Plural of balayage.
BALAYAGE v. to highlight hair by painting bleach or dye onto sections with a brush.
BAYADEERSbayadeers n. Plural of bayadeer.
BAYADEER n. (French) a fabric with horizontal stripes in strongly contrasting colours, also BAYADERE.
BAYADERESbayaderes n. Plural of bayadere.
bayadères n. Plural of bayadère.
BAYADERE n. (French) a fabric with horizontal stripes in strongly contrasting colours, also BAYADEER.
BETRAYALSbetrayals n. Plural of betrayal.
BETRAYAL n. the act of betraying.
CABLEWAYScableways n. Plural of cableway.
CABLEWAY n. a structure for transport of material in cars, suspended from a cable.
DAYBREAKSdaybreaks n. Plural of daybreak.
DAYBREAK n. the first appearance of light in the morning.
MANGABEYSmangabeys n. Plural of mangabey.
MANGABEY n. (Malagasy) a long-tailed African monkey, also MANGABY.
MYXAMEBASmyxamebas n. Plural of myxameba.
MYXAMEBA n. a cell produced by a spore, also MYXAMOEBA.
SCALEABLYSCALEABLE adv. that can be scaled, also SCALABLE.
SEPARABLYseparably adv. Such that it can be separated.
SEPARABLE adv. that can be separated.
SHAMEABLYSHAMEABLE adv. capable of being shamed, also SHAMABLE.
TRAYBAKEStraybakes n. Plural of traybake.
TRAYBAKE n. a cake, pie, confection, etc. baked in a shallow rectangular container before division into portions.
UNSAYABLEunsayable adj. (Philosophy) Not capable of being said.
unsayable adj. (Rare) Not allowed or not fit to be said.
UNSAYABLE adj. that cannot be said.
WAYBREADSwaybreads n. Plural of waybread.
WAYBREAD n. the common dooryard plantain.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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