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There are 18 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, D, I and O

ABDICATORabdicator n. (Obsolete) A person supporting the abdication of another.
abdicator n. One who abdicates.
ABDICATOR n. one who abdicates.
ABDOMINALabdominal adj. Of or pertaining to the abdomen; ventral.
abdominal adj. (Ichthyology) Having the ventral fins under the abdomen and behind the pectoral fins.
abdominal adj. (Ichthyology) Ventral, in describing a fin.
ABOIDEAUSaboideaus n. Plural of aboideau.
ABOIDEAU n. (French) a tide gate, also ABOITEAU.
ABOIDEAUXaboideaux n. Plural of aboideau.
ABOIDEAU n. (French) a tide gate, also ABOITEAU.
AIRBOARDSAIRBOARD n. an inflatable board that is used in the sport of airboarding.
AVOIDABLEavoidable adj. Capable of being vacated; liable to be annulled or made invalid; voidable.
avoidable adj. Capable of being avoided, shunned, or escaped.
avoidable n. Something that can or should be avoided.
AVOIDABLYavoidably adv. In a manner so as to be avoidable.
AVOIDABLE adv. capable of being avoided.
BARRICADObarricado n. (Archaic) barricade.
barricado v. (Archaic) To barricade.
BARRICADO n. a barricade.
BASTINADObastinado n. A blow with a cudgel or stick.
bastinado n. Beating the bare soles of the feet with a stick as a form of corporal punishment used primarily within…
bastinado v. (Transitive) To punish a person by beating the bare soles of the feet, using a stick or truncheon.
BIOHAZARDbiohazard n. A biological hazard; a source of risk due to some biological factor such as bacteria or human waste.
BIOHAZARD n. a danger of disease or pollution from living organisms.
BOUVARDIABouvardia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Rubiaceae – hummingbird flower, evergreen herbs and shrubs mostly…
BOUVARDIA n. a genus of flowering herbs and shrubs native to tropical parts of Central America.
BROADTAILbroadtail n. The hide or fur of a Persian lamb, formerly used in clothing etc.
broadtail n. (Dated) Any of various kinds of parakeets in the genus Platycercus.
BROADTAIL n. a karakul sheep; fur prepared from the skin of very young karakul lambs.
CARBIDOPAcarbidopa n. (Pharmacology) A drug C10H14N2O4·H2O that inhibits decarboxylation of ʟ-dopa in tissues outside the…
CARBIDOPA n. a drug given to people with Parkinson's disease in order to inhibit peripheral metabolism of levodopa.
GABIONADEgabionade n. A construction of gabions.
GABIONADE n. (French) a traverse made with gabions between guns or on their flanks, protecting them from enfilading fire, also GABIONNADE.
JABORANDIjaborandi n. Any of several species of the genus Pilocarpus of plants, some of which are important medicinally.
JABORANDI n. (Tupi) the native name of a South American rutaceous shrub, whose leaves are used in medicine as a diaphoretic and sialogogue.
SAILBOARDsailboard n. A recreational device consisting of a surfboard with a small sail on a flexible mast.
sailboard v. To practice the sport of using a sailboard.
SAILBOARD n. a small, flat, light-hulled sailing craft.
SCARABOIDscaraboid adj. (Coleopterology, entomology) Of or pertaining to the family Scarabaeidae, an extensive group which includes…
scaraboid n. (Coleopterology, entomology) Any scaraboid beetle.
scaraboid n. An imitation scarab ornament.
TAILBOARDtailboard n. A hinged board or hatch at the rear of a vehicle that can be lowered for loading and unloading; a tailgate.
TAILBOARD n. a hinged or removable flap at the rear end of a cart, lorry, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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