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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, D, G and R

ABRAIDINGabraiding v. Present participle of abraid.
ABRAID v. (Spenser) to awake, arouse.
ABROGATEDabrogated v. Simple past tense and past participle of abrogate.
ABROGATE v. to repeal (a law, custom, etc.); to abolish authoritatively or formally.
BANDAGERSbandagers n. Plural of bandager.
BANDAGER n. one who bandages.
BARGAINEDbargained v. Simple past tense and past participle of bargain.
BARGAIN v. to haggle over costs.
BARGANDERbargander n. (Norfolk, dialect) Synonym of shelduck.
BARGANDER n. the shelduck, also BERGANDER.
BAVARDAGEbavardage n. Chatter, banter.
BAVARDAGE n. (French) small talk or chitchat; idle chatter.
BIGARADESbigarades n. Plural of bigarade.
BIGARADE n. (French) a bitter Seville orange.
GABARDINEgabardine n. (Uncountable, countable) A type of woolen cloth with a diagonal ribbed texture on one side.
gabardine n. (Uncountable, countable) A similar fabric, made from cotton.
gabardine n. (Countable) A long cloak.
GANGBOARDgangboard n. (Nautical) A board or plank used as a temporary footbridge between a ship and a dockside or any gap…
gangboard n. (Nautical) A board or plank placed within or without the bulwarks of a vessel’s waist for lookouts to…
gangboard n. The boards ending the hammock-nettings at either side of the entrance from the accommodation-ladder to the deck.
GARBOARDSgarboards n. Plural of garboard.
GARBOARD n. (Dutch) a plank on a ship's bottom next to the keel.
GARIBALDIgaribaldi n. (Britain) a biscuit consisting of currants squashed between layers of flaky pastry.
garibaldi n. A bright yellow/orange damselfish, of the genus Hypsypops, from the seas of southern California.
garibaldi n. A kind of jacket worn by women.
GRADABLESgradables n. Plural of gradable.
GRADABLE n. things that are graded.
GRANDBABYgrandbaby n. (Informal) A young grandchild.
GRANDBABY n. an infant grandchild.
GRAYBEARDgraybeard n. Alternative spelling of greybeard.
GRAYBEARD n. an old man, also GREYBEARD.
GUARDABLEguardable adj. That may be guarded.
GUARDABLE adj. capable of being guarded or protected.
LANDGRABSlandgrabs n. Plural of landgrab.
landgrabs v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of landgrab.
land␣grabs n. Plural of land grab.
TAGBOARDStagboards n. Plural of tagboard.
TAGBOARD n. a material for making shipping tags.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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