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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 12 nine-letter words containing 2A, B, 2C and R

ACCRUABLEaccruable adj. Able to be accrued.
ACCRUABLE adj. capable of being accrued.
ACROBATICacrobatic adj. Of or pertaining to an acrobat.
acrobatic adj. Vigorously active (Can we add an example for this sense?).
ACROBATIC adj. like an acrobat, agile.
BACCARATSBACCARAT n. (French) a French card game, also BACCARA.
BACHARACHBacharach n. A kind of wine made at Bacharach on the Rhine.
BACHARACH n. (German) a wine from Bacharach, on the Rhine.
BACKACTERBACKACTER n. a mechanical excavator with an extension consisting of a bucket on an extending arm, which can be used to scoop up earth as it is drawn back towards the machine, aka backhoe.
BACKTRACKbacktrack n. The act of backtracking.
backtrack v. To retrace one’s steps.
backtrack v. To repeat or review work already done.
BRICABRACbricabrac n. Alternative form of bric-a-brac.
bric-a-brac n. Small ornaments and other miscellaneous display items of little value.
bric-a-brac n. (By extension) Any collection containing a variety of miscellaneous items; a hodgepodge, an olio.
CARBACHOLcarbachol n. (Pharmacology) A synthetic parasympathomimetic drug C6H15N2O2+ that is used in veterinary medicine and…
CARBACHOL n. a synthetic drug used to disperse fluids, e.g. urine, retained in the body.
CARRYBACKcarryback n. (Accounting, taxation) A income tax loss or credit that can be applied to offset previously taxed income…
CARRYBACK n. in accounting, a loss set against the previous year's profit, in order to minimise the total tax.
CHAIRBACKchairback n. The rear part of a chair that supports the sitter’s back.
CHAIRBACK n. the part of a chair that supports the sitter's back.
CHARABANCcharabanc n. (Britain, historical) A horse-drawn, and then later, motorized omnibus with open sides, and often, no roof.
charabanc n. (Britain, old-fashioned) A bus, especially one hired by groups for pleasure outings, what was later called a coach.
charabanc n. (Britain, informal) A derisive term for a car, bus, train or other vehicle that is poor quality, slow or overcrowded.
CRACKBACKcrackback n. (American football) A block in which the blocker, positioned wide, blocks back towards where the ball was snapped.
CRACKBACK n. in American football, an illegal block made by an offensive player.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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