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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 2A, 2B, E and T

ABSORBATEabsorbate n. Any substance that has been absorbed.
ABSORBATE n. an absorbed substance.
BABACOOTEbabacoote n. Alternative form of babakoto.
BABACOOTE n. (Malagasy) a large lemur, the indri or closely related species.
BACKBEATSbackbeats n. Plural of backbeat.
back␣beats n. Plural of back beat.
BACKBEAT n. one of the normally unstressed beats in a musical bar, used as a secondary syncopated beat.
BARBASTELbarbastel n. Alternative form of barbastelle (“type of bat”).
BARBASTEL n. (French) a long-eared species of bat with hairy lips, also BARBASTELLE.
BAREBOATSBAREBOAT n. a pleasure-boat rented without personnel.
BEADBLASTBEADBLAST n. a jet of small glass beads blown under pressure.
BEADBLAST v. to clean with such a jet.
BILABIATEbilabiate adj. (Botany) Having two lips; two-lipped.
BILABIATE adj. having two lips, as the corollas of certain flowers.
BREAKBEATbreakbeat n. (Music, countable) A form of syncopated rhythm prominent in much African music.
breakbeat n. (Music, uncountable) A genre of electronic dance music based on such syncopated rhythms.
BREAKBEAT n. in house music, a short sample of drum beats taken from old soul or jazz records.
DEBATABLEdebatable adj. Open to debate; not fully proved or confirmed.
debatable adj. Able to be debated; up for discussion.
debatable n. A topic that is open to debate.
DEBATABLYdebatably adv. In a way subject to challenge or worthy of debate.
DEBATABLE adv. that can be debated, also DEBATEABLE.
HABITABLEhabitable adj. Safe and comfortable, where humans, or other animals, can live; fit for habitation.
HABITABLE adj. that can be inhabited.
RABBINATErabbinate n. The office or function of a rabbi.
rabbinate n. Rabbis collectively.
RABBINATE n. the office of a rabbi.
REBATABLEREBATABLE adj. that can be rebated, also REBATEABLE.
SABBATINESabbatine adj. Of or relating to an indulgence granted to the Carmelite order in 1322 which promised liberation from…
Sabbatine adj. Relating to the Sabbath.
SABBATINE adj. relating to Saturday.
SABBATISEsabbatise v. Alternative form of sabbatize.
SABBATISE v. to observe as a Sabbath, also SABBATIZE.
SABBATIZEsabbatize v. (Intransitive) To sanctify, keep or observe the Sabbath.
sabbatize v. (Transitive) To keep or observe as the Sabbath.
SABBATIZE v. to observe as a Sabbath, also SABBATISE.
TABULABLEtabulable adj. That can be tabulated or represented statistically.
TABULABLE adj. that can be tabulated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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