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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 3A, O, R and S

ALGAROBASalgarobas n. Plural of algaroba.
ALGAROBA n. (Arabic) the carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; its edible beans or pods, also ALGARROBA, ALGARROBO.
ANAPHORASanaphoras n. Plural of anaphora.
ANAPHORA n. (Greek) the repetition of a word or expression at the beginning of successive phrases, clauses, sentences or verses esp. for rhetorical effect, also ANAPHOR, EPANAPHORA.
APATOSAURapatosaur n. A large, herbivorous, gregarious sauropod dinosaur, of the genus Apatosaurus, from Jurassic North America;…
APATOSAUR n. a kind of long-necked dinosaur, also APATOSAURUS.
ARAPONGASarapongas n. Plural of araponga.
ARAPONGA n. (Tupi) the campanero or South American bellbird, also ARAPUNGA.
AROMATASEaromatase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme responsible for aromatization of androgen hormones into estrogens.
AROMATASE n. an enzyme involved in the production of oestrogen.
MATADORASmatadoras n. Plural of matadora.
MATADORA n. a female matador.
PANORAMASpanoramas n. Plural of panorama.
PANORAMA n. a wide or complete view.
PARABOLASparabolas n. Plural of parabola.
PARABOLA n. (Greek) a type of curve, one of the conic sections.
PARANOEASparanoeas n. Plural of paranoea.
PARANOEA n. a mental disorder, also PARANOIA.
PARANOIASparanoias n. Plural of paranoia.
PARANOIA n. a mental disorder, also PARANOEA.
PARAZOANSparazoans n. Plural of parazoan.
PARAZOAN n. any of a major division of multicellular animals.
SANATORIAsanatoria n. Plural of sanatorium.
SANATORIUM n. a hospital, esp. for tuberculosis, also SANITARIUM, SANITORIUM.
SAPONARIASaponaria prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Caryophyllaceae – the soapworts.
SAPONARIA n. a genus of flowers, aka soapwort.
SARCOMATAsarcomata n. Plural of sarcoma.
SARCOMA n. (Greek) a tumour of connective tissue.
SAYONARASsayonaras n. Plural of sayonara.
SAYONARA n. (Japanese) goodbye.
SOLFATARAsolfatara n. An area of volcanic activity that gives off sulfurous steam.
SOLFATARA n. (Italian) a volcanic vent emitting only gases.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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