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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 15 nine-letter words containing 3A, G, R and T

AGATEWAREagateware n. (Ceramics) Pottery decorated with a combination of contrastingly coloured clays, designed to resemble…
AGATEWARE n. a form of ceramic made to look like agate.
AGGRAVATEaggravate v. To make (an offence) worse or more severe; to increase in offensiveness or heinousness.
aggravate v. (By extension) To make worse; to exacerbate.
aggravate v. (Now rare) To give extra weight or intensity to; to exaggerate, to magnify.
ALIGARTASaligartas n. Plural of aligarta.
ALIGARTA n. (obsolete) an alligator.
ALLIGARTAALLIGARTA n. (obsolete) an alligator, also ALIGARTA.
ALPARGATAalpargata n. Synonym of espadrille.
ALPARGATA n. (Spanish) a light sandal with a hemp or rope sole.
ALTARAGESaltarages n. Plural of altarage.
ALTARAGE n. offerings made upon the altar.
ASTRAGALIastragali n. Plural of astragalus.
ASTRAGALUS n. (Latin) the anklebone.
ASTRAGALSastragals n. Plural of astragal.
ASTRAGAL n. (Greek) a rounded beading or moulding on column.
DATAGRAMSdatagrams n. Plural of datagram.
DATAGRAM n. a communication channel that uses information routed through a packet-switching network.
GARGANTUAGARGANTUA n. a monster in a Japanese film.
GASTRAEASGASTRAEA n. a hypothetical ancestor of the Metazoa, sponges etc., also GASTREA.
MARGARITAmargarita n. A cocktail made with tequila, an orange-flavoured liqueur, and lemon or lime juice, often served with…
Margarita prop.n. A female given name from Ancient Greek.
MARGARITA n. (Spanish) a cocktail of tequila, lime and lemon-juice, also MARGUERITA.
RANGATIRArangatira n. A hereditary Māori leader of a kinship group.
RANGATIRA n. (Maori) a leader or chief.
RUTABAGASrutabagas n. Plural of rutabaga.
ruta-bagas n. Plural of ruta-baga.
RUTABAGA n. (Swedish) a root vegetable like a swede.
TARSALGIAtarsalgia n. (Pathology) Pain in the tarsus.
TARSALGIA n. pain in the instep.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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