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There are 17 nine-letter words containing 3A, D, M and R

DATAGRAMSdatagrams n. Plural of datagram.
DATAGRAM n. a communication channel that uses information routed through a packet-switching network.
DHARMSALAdharmsala n. (Historical, India) A charitable or religious house, especially a resthouse for travellers.
DHARMSALA n. (Hindi) a building having a religious or charitable purpose, a free or cheap lodging for travellers, also DHARMSHALA.
DULCAMARAdulcamara n. (Medicine, archaic) The dried young branches of the woody nightshade (Solanum dulcamara), formerly used…
Dulcamara prop.n. (Archaic) A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – synonymized with Solanum.
Dulcamara prop.n. A taxonomic section within the family Solanaceae – Solanum sect. Dulcamara.
GRANDMAMAgrandmama n. Alternative spelling of grandmamma.
GRANDMAMA n. a grandmother.
HAMADRYADhamadryad n. (Greek mythology) A wood-nymph who was physically a part of her tree; she would die if her tree were felled.
hamadryad n. The king cobra.
hamadryad n. A baboon of species Papio hamadryas, venerated by the ancient Egyptians.
HAMADRYAShamadryas n. A large baboon (Papio hamadryas), from northern Africa and Arabia, that was sacred in ancient Egypt.
HAMADRYAS n. (Greek) a type of baboon.
HARAMZADAharamzada n. (India, Pakistan) A bastard.
HARAMZADA n. (Hinglish) an illegitimate male, also HARAMDA.
HARAMZADIHARAMZADI n. (Hinglish) an illegitimate female, also HARAMDI.
LAMPADARYLAMPADARY n. in the Greek Church, someone who looks after the lamps and carries a lighted taper before the patriarch.
MADRASAHSmadrasahs n. Plural of madrasah.
MADRASAH n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASSA, MADRASSAH, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASSAHmadrassah n. Alternative form of madrasah.
MADRASSAH n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASAH, MADRASSA, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MADRASSASmadrassas n. Plural of madrassa.
MADRASSA n. (Arabic) an Islamic college, or school attached to mosque, also MADRASA, MADRASAH, MADRASSAH, MEDRESA, MEDRESE, MEDRESSEH.
MANDATARYmandatary n. One who receives a mandate.
MANDATARY n. the holder of a mandate, also MANDATORY.
MARMALADEmarmalade n. A kind of jam made with citrus fruit, distinguished by being made slightly bitter by the addition of…
marmalade n. (Obsolete) quince jam.
marmalade v. (Transitive) To spread marmalade on.
MASCARAEDmascaraed adj. Wearing mascara.
MASCARA v. to apply mascara.
MATADORASmatadoras n. Plural of matadora.
MATADORA n. a female matador.
MEGAFARADmegafarad n. (Physics, obsolete) A unit of quantity of electric charge; the quantity of electricity flowing through…
megafarad n. An improbably large unit of electrical capacitance equal to one million farads.
MEGAFARAD n. a measure of electrical capacity, one million farads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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