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List of 9-letter words containing

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There are 13 nine-letter words containing 3A, B, L and R

ABRADABLEabradable adj. That may be abraded.
ABRADABLE adj. capable of being abraded (worn away by friction).
ALABASTERalabaster n. A fine-grained white or lightly-tinted variety of gypsum, used ornamentally.
alabaster n. (Historical) A variety of calcite, translucent and sometimes banded.
alabaster n. (Color) An off-white colour, like that of alabaster.
ALARMABLEalarmable adj. Easily alarmed; excitable.
alarmable adj. (Rare) Of a building, etc.: capable of being fitted with an alarm system.
ALARMABLE adj. that can be alarmed.
ALGAROBASalgarobas n. Plural of algaroba.
ALGAROBA n. (Arabic) the carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; its edible beans or pods, also ALGARROBA, ALGARROBO.
ALGARROBAALGARROBA n. (Arabic) the carob, a leguminous tree of the Mediterranean region; its edible beans or pods, also ALGAROBA, ALGARROBO.
AMBULACRAambulacra n. Plural of ambulacrum.
AMBULACRUM n. a radial band in the shell of an echinoderm, bearing rows of pores through which the tube-feet protrude.
AWARDABLEawardable adj. Capable of being awarded.
AWARDABLE adj. that can be awarded.
BALTHASARBalthasar prop.n. Alternative form of Balthazar.
Balthasar n. Alternative form of Balthazar.
BALTHASAR n. a large wine bottle containing 2.80 gallons, also BALTHAZAR, BELSHAZZAR.
BALTHAZARbalthazar n. Alternative letter-case form of Balthazar.
Balthazar prop.n. A name ascribed to one of the Magi.
Balthazar prop.n. (Biblical, historical) a Babylonian king mentioned in the Book of Daniel.
CARAMBOLAcarambola n. A tree species native of southern Asia, Averrhoa carambola.
carambola n. The fruit of this tree, more commonly known as star fruit.
carambola n. A yellow colour, like that of a carambola.
PARABLASTparablast n. (Biology) A portion of the mesoblast (of peripheral origin) of the developing embryo, whose cells are…
PARABLAST n. the yolk of an egg, such as a hen's egg, that undergoes meroblastic cleavage.
PARABOLAEparabolae n. (Rare) plural of parabola.
parabolæ n. Plural of parabola.
PARABOLA n. (Greek) a type of curve, one of the conic sections.
PARABOLASparabolas n. Plural of parabola.
PARABOLA n. (Greek) a type of curve, one of the conic sections.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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