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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 8 eight-letter words containing A, O, 3R and T

ARRESTORarrestor n. Alternative form of arrester.
ARRESTOR n. one who makes an arrest, also ARRESTER.
BARRATORbarrator n. One who is guilty of barratry, vexing others with frequent and often groundless lawsuits; a brangler and pettifogger.
barrator n. One who abuses their office by dealing fraudulently.
barrator n. (Archaic) A quarrelsome person, one who fights, a bully.
BARRETORbarretor n. Alternative form of barrator.
BARRETOR n. one that persistently instigates lawsuits, also BARRATER, BARRATOR.
GARROTERgarroter n. A person who uses a garrote.
garroter n. A person who strangles someone from behind.
GARROTER n. one who executes by strangling, also GAROTTER.
NARRATORnarrator n. One who narrates or tells stories.
narrator n. (Narratology) The person or the "voice" whose viewpoint is used in telling a story.
narrator n. (Film and television) The person providing the voice-over in a documentary.
PARROTERparroter n. A person who mindlessly repeats what he or she has heard.
PARROTER n. one who simply repeats what he has heard.
PARROTRYparrotry n. Thoughtless imitation or repetition of someone else’s words or sayings; mindless repetition.
PARROTRY n. unintelligent imitation.
REGRATORregrator n. One who regrates.
REGRATOR n. one who buys and sells in the same market, also REGRATER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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