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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 15 eight-letter words containing A, N, O, 2R and T

ANTERIORanterior adj. (Anatomy) Nearer the forward end, especially in the front of the body; nearer the head or forepart of an animal.
anterior adj. (Formal) Coming before or earlier in time or development, prior to, preceding.
ANTERIOR adj. in front.
ANTRORSEantrorse adj. (Biology) Curved or pointed forward or upward.
ANTRORSE adj. turned forward or upward.
ARROGANTarrogant adj. Having excessive pride in oneself, often with contempt or disrespect for others.
ARROGANT adj. overbearing.
CARROTINcarrotin n. Alternative form of carotin.
CARROTIN n. a plant pigment, also CAROTENE, CAROTIN.
CONTRARYcontrary adj. Opposite; in an opposite direction; in opposition; adverse.
contrary adj. Opposed; contradictory; inconsistent.
contrary adj. Given to opposition; perverse; wayward.
GRANTORSgrantors n. Plural of grantor.
GRANTOR n. the person by whom a grant or conveyance is made, also GRANTER.
NARRATORnarrator n. One who narrates or tells stories.
narrator n. (Narratology) The person or the "voice" whose viewpoint is used in telling a story.
narrator n. (Film and television) The person providing the voice-over in a documentary.
NITRATORnitrator n. A reaction vessel in which nitration takes place.
nitrator n. A device for spreading nitrate fertilizer on the soil.
NITRATOR n. one that nitrates.
PRONATORpronator n. (Anatomy) Any muscle that produces pronation.
PRONATOR n. a forearm or forelimb muscle.
PROTURANproturan n. Any of many primitive insects, of the order Protura, that lack eyes and wings.
proturan adj. Of or pertaining to these insects.
PROTURAN n. any of an order of white wingless insects.
RATOONERratooner n. (Agriculture) A plant that sprouts ratoons.
RATOONER n. a plant that ratoons.
ROBORANTroborant adj. That strengthens or energizes.
roborant n. A restorative tonic.
ROBORANT n. an invigorating drug.
TARRAGONtarragon n. A perennial herb, the wormwood species Artemisia dracunculus, from Europe and parts of Asia.
tarragon n. The leaves of this plant (either fresh, or preserved in vinegar / oil mixture) used as a seasoning.
TARRAGON n. (Arabic) a kind of herb, also ESTRAGON, STARAGEN.
URINATORurinator n. A person who urinates.
urinator n. (Obsolete) A diver, especially someone who searches for things underwater.
URINATOR n. one who dives under water in search of something, as for pearls.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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