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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 7 eight-letter words containing A, N, O, Q, R and U

AEQUORINaequorin n. (Biochemistry) A photoprotein, isolated from luminescent jellyfish and other marine organisms, composed…
AEQUORIN n. a protein secreted by jellyfish.
MAROQUINmaroquin n. (Somewhat dated) leather made from goatskin.
MAROQUIN n. (Spanish) goat leather, morocco leather, also MAROCAIN.
NARQUOISNARQUOIS adj. (French) mocking; malicious.
QUADROONquadroon n. (Dated, chiefly historical) A person considered three-fourths white, having one non-white grandparent.
quadroon adj. (Dated, chiefly historical) Of or related to quadroons.
QUARRIONquarrion n. A cockatiel, Nymphicus hollandicus.
QUARRION n. (Native Australian) a kind of cockatiel, also QUARRIAN.
SQUADRONsquadron n. (Obsolete) A body of troops drawn up in a square.
squadron n. (Military, historical, army) A body of cavalry comprising two companies or troops, averaging from one…
squadron n. (Military) A body of infantrymen made up of several platoons, averaging from eighty to one hundred and…
SQUARSONsquarson n. A squire who is also the local rector.
SQUARSON n. a clergyman who is also a squire or landowner in his parish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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