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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 10 eight-letter words containing A, 2N, O, R and Y

ANNOYERSannoyers n. Plural of annoyer.
ANNOYER n. one who annoys.
CANNONRYcannonry n. Cannons, collectively; battery of cannons.
cannonry n. The firing of cannons.
CANNONRY n. artillery.
DYNATRONdynatron n. A tetrode in which the voltage on the screen grid is higher than that on the control grid, causing the…
DYNATRON n. an electrode thermionic valve used to generate continuous oscillation.
MANSONRYMANSONRY n. (Shakespeare) residence, buildings, also MANSIONARY.
MONANDRYmonandry n. The possession by a woman of only one husband at one time.
MONANDRY n. the condition of having one husband at a time.
NONDAIRYnondairy adj. Not derived from dairy sources.
NONDAIRY adj. having no milk products.
NONHARDYnonhardy adj. (Chiefly botany) Not hardy.
NONHARDY adj. not hardy.
NONPARTYnonparty adj. Not a party (social gathering), or not related to parties or partying.
nonparty adj. (Law) Not a party (involved person or entity), or unrelated to a party.
nonparty n. (Law) One who is not a party.
NONROYALnonroyal adj. Not of royal rank or family.
nonroyal n. One who is not a royal.
non-royal adj. Not royal; not related to or of the nature of a king or queen.
NOVENARYnovenary n. A group of nine.
novenary adj. Pertaining to the number nine.
NOVENARY n. a set of nine things.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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