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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 12 eight-letter words containing A, 2N, 2O and R

ARGONONSARGONON n. another name for any of the inert gases.
HONORANDhonorand n. One who receives an honor.
HONORAND n. a person receiving an honour, esp. an honorary degree, also HONOREE, HONOUREE.
NANOPOREnanopore n. A pore, of nanometre dimensions, in a membrane.
NANOPORE n. a microscopic pore.
NONACTORnonactor n. Someone who is not an actor.
NONACTOR n. a person who is not an actor.
NONLABORnonlabor adj. Not of pertaining to labor.
NONLABOR adj. not relating to or concerned with work, also NONLABOUR.
NONMAJORnonmajor n. (US) A student who is not a major (specialist in one area).
NONMAJOR n. a student who is not majoring in a specific subject.
NONMORALnonmoral adj. Alternative spelling of non-moral.
non-moral adj. Not moral; unconnected with morals; having no relation to ethics or morals; not involving ethical or…
NONMORAL adj. not pertaining to morals.
NONPOLARnonpolar adj. (Physics) Not containing a dipole.
nonpolar adj. (Chemistry) Not ionic; not dissociating into ions when dissolved in water etc.
non-polar adj. Alternative spelling of nonpolar.
NONROYALnonroyal adj. Not of royal rank or family.
nonroyal n. One who is not a royal.
non-royal adj. Not royal; not related to or of the nature of a king or queen.
NONSOLARnonsolar adj. Not solar.
NONSOLAR adj. not solar.
ORGANONSorganons n. Plural of organon.
ORGANON n. (Greek) a system of rules for scientific investigation, also ORGANUM.
SONORANTsonorant n. (Phonetics) A speech sound that is produced without turbulent airflow in the vocal tract; the generic…
SONORANT n. a voiced consonant regarded as a syllabic sound, e.g. the n in sudden.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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