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List of 8-letter words containing

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There are 13 eight-letter words containing A, M, 2R, S and U

BURRAMYSBurramys prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Burramyidae – mountain pygmy possum and extinct relatives.
BURRAMYS n. a rare pigmy possum from Australia.
EARDRUMSeardrums n. Plural of eardrum.
ear␣drums n. Plural of ear drum.
EARDRUM n. the tympanic membrane.
MANURERSmanurers n. Plural of manurer.
MANURER n. one who manures.
MATURERSmaturers n. Plural of maturer.
MATURER n. one that brings something to maturity.
MEASURERmeasurer n. One who, or that which, measures.
MEASURER n. one who measures.
MORRHUASMORRHUA n. an old name for the cod.
MURRAGHSMURRAGH n. a caddis fly which fishermen know that trout favour.
MURRAINSmurrains n. Plural of murrain.
MURRAIN n. a disease of cattle, also MURREN, MURRIN, MURRION.
RASTRUMSrastrums n. Plural of rastrum.
RASTRUM n. (Latin) a music-pen.
ROSARIUMrosarium n. A rose-garden.
ROSARIUM n. (Latin) a rose garden.
RURALISMruralism n. Advocacy of rural life instead of urbanism or city living.
ruralism n. Rural living.
ruralism n. The state or quality of being rustic.
SURNAMERsurnamer n. (Rhetoric, obsolete) antonomasia (use of a proper name to suggest a quality).
SURNAMER n. one who allots a surname.
UROGRAMSurograms n. Plural of urogram.
UROGRAM n. an X-ray of part of the urinary tract.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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